
Mail makes “vital contribution” to advertising success

Mail makes “vital contribution” to advertising success

Marketing industry leaders have joined forces with Royal Mail MarketReach for a campaign to demonstrate the “vital contribution” mail makes to advertising.

The campaign, launched by Publicis Chemistry, aims to target clients, media planning and buying agencies and marketing decision-makers at the top 3,000 advertisers. It combines digital, press, out-of-home and direct marketing, while also promoting Royal Mail MarketReach’s research programme, The Private Life of Mail.

The 18-month research programme brings together insight into the role of mail “in people’s homes, hearts and heads,” and looks into mail’s journey and longevity in the home, the emotional connections triggered and the impact mail has on the brain.

A range of leading research partners were involved in the creation of The Private Life of Mail, including: BrandScience; Mediatel columnist David Brennan; Decode Marketing; Neuro-Insight; Peter Field; Quadrangle and Trinity McQueen.

It has also been endorsed by a number of established marketers, including Robert Senior, Worldwide CEO, Saatchi & Saatchi Fallon Group; Karen Blackett OBE, CEO MediaCom; Nik Roope, founder, Poke; Elspeth Lynn, executive creative director, M&C Saatchi; and David Robinson, sales and marketing director, The Sun.

“In today’s rapidly transforming media landscape, brands and consumers are communicating in more diverse ways than ever,” said Jonathan Harman, managing director of Royal Mail MarketReach.

“Over the last 18 months, we have conducted a series of research projects to understand exactly what that means for consumers and what it means for advertisers. It is an unprecedented look at what happens to mail when it enters the home which is why we have called it, The Private Life of Mail.”

Publicis Chemistry’s CEO, Mike Welsh, added: “Mail has fallen out of fashion but the digital revolution has created a new and vital role for the medium. 18 months of research have proved that consumers engage and value mail more than ever – and this has given us a fantastic story to provoke a re-appraisal.”

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