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Ampere Analysis launches with big data analytics

Ampere Analysis launches with big data analytics

Dan Stevenson, managing director of Ampere Analysis

Four former-Screen Digest employees have launched a new research firm in the hope of “disrupting” the traditional media and technology research sector with big data analytics.

With financial backing from William Reeve, co-founder of LoveFilm, Neil Bradford, COO of Argus Media and John Sanderson of Whetstone Group, Ampere Analysis has been created to “revolutionise the information sector through new methodologies and emerging research techniques ustilising big data analytics.”

The founding team includes Guy Bisson, Richard Broughton, Ben Colbeck and Dan Stevenson, all previous Screen Digest employees – a company providing business intelligence, research and analysis on the global media markets based in London.

Stevenson, managing director of the new company, said: “We’ve put together a formidable team of analysts and investors, enabling us to build a fantastic research product rooted in high quality data and analysis.

“The media and technology research sector has been slow to utilise the huge swathes of big data available in the digital world and we aim to capitalise on this. Our research will feed off big data as opposed to the traditional analyst-led market modelling that still dominates the industry.”

Neil Bradford, who has taken up the position of chairman, added: “As an admirer of Screen Digest since the 1990s, I was thrilled to be asked to invest and chair Ampere Analysis.

“The team brings unrivalled experience but also a new approach, based on big data and new analytical techniques. Every technology generation needs its own research firm, and Ampere is the research firm for the Netflix generation.”

This article was was amended on 23 March. The original incorrectly suggested that Ampere Analysis was the direct successor to Screen Digest. The successor of Screen Digest is IHS Technology and all Screen Digest employees are now part of the IHS Technology team.

Dan, Guru, Independent, on 17 Mar 2015
“I'm interested in how the Netflix generation can advise me about direct advertising”
Tom, Cabin Boy, The Black Pig, on 17 Mar 2015
“I'm interested in how big data will help my company really capitalise on business opportunities, specifically for media related maritime hostile takeovers. Who would be the expert in these subjects?”

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