
Radiocentre to consolidate RAB and RACC brands

Radiocentre to consolidate RAB and RACC brands

Radiocentre, the industry body for commercial radio, has consolidated two of its brands – the Radio Advertising Bureau (RAB) and Radio Advertising Copy Clearance (RACC) – as it looks to make customer use and member access more efficient.

Radiocentre is now made up of a policy team, an advertising team (formerly the RAB) and a clearance team (formerly the RACC), but will otherwise function in the same way. The move is expected to improve the understanding of the organisation and to better “reflect changing realities in the radio industry”.

Speaking at the body’s new radio conference, Tuning In, today (8 July), chief executive Siobhan Kenny said: “There is no doubt that radio is having a moment; both listeners and revenues are up and its traditional strengths of intimacy, localness and music discovery are timeless.

“But the industry doesn’t sit still, nor does Radiocentre. Bringing together our functions into one holistic team makes our mission clearer in an increasingly crowded media landscape. Radiocentre will always give you sound commercial sense.”

Radiocentre also published a new policy document today which urges the Government to review the legislative framework for radio, ensuring it does not inhibit growth in a multiplatform world.

The document also calls for an urgent rewriting of excessive consumer protection regulation such as the warnings on financial product advertising which does little to protect consumers but deters advertisers from using radio.

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