
NRS PADD – Newsbrand readership continues to shift to mobile

NRS PADD – Newsbrand readership continues to shift to mobile

While magazine readership is still skewed towards print, the latest NRS figures for the July 2014 – June 2015 period paint a different picture for newsbrands, with mobile and tablet readership overshadowing print and PC for a large number of titles.

Mobile increases the Independent’s print and PC readership by 134%, accounting for 10.1 million of the 14.46 million total, while PCs make up 4.56 million and print just 2.19 million.

Similarly, in order of how much mobile adds to print and PC, the Daily Record (115%), Daily Mirror (114.7%), Daily Express (106.6%), Guardian (103.2%) and Daily Telegraph (98.7%), are also heavily dominated by mobile readership.

While the Daily Mail’s readership is led by its mobile audience, the newsbrand still boasts a healthy print and digital following. Of the 29.5 million people who read the Mail, 19.65 million come from mobile and tablet, 10.4 million from print and 9.9 million from PC.

Of the newsbrands measured, freebies Metro and London Evening Standard, and the Sun and The Times, which sit behind a paywall, are the only ones in which print is the dominant medium.

Of the Sun’s readership, which sits at almost 13.5 million, 11.9 million readers come from print, while the rest access online content from behind its paywall. Of subscribers to Sun+, 1.96 million come from mobile and 835,000 from PC.

The Times, with a little under 5.1 million readers, follows suit, with 4.3 million coming from print, 725,000 from mobile and 391,000 from PC.

Although print makes up the majority of Metro’s 18 million-strong audience, mobile comes a close second, while PC readership falls behind. The Evening Standard also has a similar make-up – with print at 5.2 million, mobile at 3.9 million and PC at 1.65 million.

Click here to see the results for the magazine market.

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