
Internet ‘too cluttered’, says Virool’s Brian Danzis

Internet ‘too cluttered’, says Virool’s Brian Danzis

Digital advertising is undoubtedly facing some of its biggest challenges to date – but alongside ad-blocking, viewability and ad-fraud, one seasoned media bod says brands have another challenge to contend with: clutter.

Speaking at Media Playground 2015, Brian Danzis, global chief revenue officer at Virool, said that the entire advertising industry is making the same mistakes as the US made with its TV – by overloading audiences with far too many ads.

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“Ads are everywhere – on TV the commercial loads have grown to be so much that you can’t sit through a movie on a Sunday afternoon without seeing a spot every five or six minutes,” Danzis said.

“We’ve made the same mistakes as TV budgets have shifted to digital in cluttering up the Internet as well.”

So what’s the solution and where will digital be in five years’ time? Watch the full video interview above to hear what Danzis has to say.

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