
National Newspaper NRS Round-Up – September 2000

National Newspaper NRS Round-Up – September 2000

NRS figures for the six-month period to the end of September show most titles losing readers. Overall the national newspaper sector was down 5% compared to the same period last year, a loss of 3m readers.

The Times again saw the worst fall, losing 18% of its readership. The title has been shedding readers throughout 2000 as a consequence of its revamp in March, during which it ditched its format of two broadsheets. Heavy losses were also seen at the two Telegraph titles, which both lost 12% of their readership, and the Independent On Sunday, down 10%.

Its sister title, the Independent, bucked the trend, however, adding 2.7% to its readership base. The Guardian, the Express and the Sunday Express also saw small increases across the period.

Theses figures do not as yet include the new sections data announced yesterday (see NRS Increases Coverage Of Newspaper Sections).

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