
Take A Break Retains Huge Lead In Women’s Weekly Market

Take A Break Retains Huge Lead In Women’s Weekly Market

Women’s weeklies took a dive in the ABC report for the period Jan – June 2000. The market appears to have slumped with the majority of titles seeing a drop in sales in a year on year comparison.

Nothing much has changed with the leader board. Bauer’s Take A Break is down on last year’s figure but continues to storm ahead with a circulation of 1,181,693. This is still 490,998 copies ahead of the second placed title, Woman magazine, which has a circulation of 690,695, an 0.7% increase on the same period last year.

Whilst most of the women’s weekly titles were taking a decline in sales, a few are still proving their worth, however. Included in this is the newly branded IPC Media’s Now, which had the biggest year on year increase in this market and Northern & Shell’s OK! Magazine with circulations of 425,087 and 455,162 respectively.

That’s Life also did well this time round with a 8.9% year on year increase, taking it to 567,000. Gruner & Jahr’s Best didn’t do so well with a drop in copies of 11,461. Maybe the recent takeover by National Magazine Company of Gruner & Jahr will give the title the boost it needs to increase its circulation next time round.

IPC Media’s Woman’s Realm took the brunt of the biggest drop in circulation; it was down 12.1% on its figure last year with an audit of 160,490 copies down from 182,609. The other IPC Media titles, Woman’s Weekly and Woman’s Own also took a drop with figures of 523,353 and 577,602 respectively.

Women’s Weekly Magazines Circulations
Title Publishing Company Jan 99 – Jun 99 Jan 00 – Jun 00 Actual Change % Change
Bella H Bauer Publishing 585,295 553,869 -31,426 -5.4
Best Gruner & Jahr 467,330 455,869 -11,461 -2.5
Chat IPC 502,364 477,301 -25,063 -5.0
Hello! Hello Ltd 493,322 458,663 -34,659 -7.0
Lady Lady 47,681 44,826 -2,855 -6.0
My Weekly DC Thomson & Co 350,921 332,771 -18,150 -5.2
Now IPC 386,383 425,087 38,704 10.0
OK Magazine Northern & Shell 413,148 455,162 42,014 10.2
People’s Friend DC Thomson & Co 427,786 407,679 -20,107 -4.7
Take A Break H Bauer Publishing 1,255,832 1,181,693 -74,139 -5.9
That’s Life! H Bauer Publishing 521,223 567,414 46,191 8.9
Woman IPC 686,169 690,695 4,526 0.7
Woman’s Own IPC 597,179 577,602 -19,577 -3.3
Woman’s Realm IPC 182,609 160,490 -22,119 -12.1
Woman’s Weekly IPC 567,091 523,353 -43,738 -7.7
Total   7,484,333 7,312,474 -171,859 -2.3

Looking at the whole women’s weekly market, IPC Media is still ahead of its closest competition. Its titles take a 39% share of the women’s weeklies market. The Bauer titles are not too far behind with 31% share of the market.

So no surprises in this sector with the same titles continuing to do well.

Women’s Weeklies Magazine Market Share By Publishing Company
Publishing Company Jan – Jun 2000
Gruner & Jahr 455,869 6.23
DC Thomson & Co 740,450 10.13
H Bauer Publishing 2,302,976 31.49
Hello Ltd 458,663 6.27
IPC Media 2,854,528 39.04
Lady 44,826 0.61
Northern & Shell 455,162 6.22
Total 7,312,474 100

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