The Independent Television Commission (ITC) has published a new draft of its Sponsorship Code. Although key principles regarding editorial independence and the distinction between advertising and sponsor credits remain, the code aims to simplify rules on sponsorship credits, reflecting the fact that the ITC sees itself as a ‘light touch regulator’.
Martin Hart, ITC’s head of sponsorship, commented: “ITC policy on sponsorship has always erred on the side of caution. In this environment of more flexible regulation it is essential we consider a simpler approach.”
The rules retained are those preventing sponsor credits being used as extra advertising minutage. A clear link has to be made between the sponsor and the programme, with sponsor credits which do not resemble current spot advertising. However, the rule preventing visual representation of the sponsor’s product or service is to be removed, as are restrictions on the use of straplines.
As well as simplifying the rules themselves, the ITC has made efforts to redesign the layout of the code document, in order to make it more user-friendly. This has including separating the code into two sections, published together. The first section, called the Code of Programme Sponsorship, would include rules applying only to sponsored programmes. The second part, called Rules Concerning Advertiser References Within Programmes would contain rules concerned with general commercial involvement in programmes.
The ITC is inviting comments on the new code, which is available via its information office or on the ITC website (www.itc.org.uk).
ITC: 020 7255 3000