
National Newspaper Round-Up October 2001

National Newspaper Round-Up October 2001

The latest figures from the Audit Bureau of Circulations (ABC) show that the national newspaper market as a whole saw a month on month drop of 2.3% between September and October this year, as readers show signs of tiring with coverage of the global war against terrorism.

Many of the gains achieved by the broadsheets in September had vanished this month. Among the broadsheets the Observer and the Times saw the most significant losses in terms of percentage. The former dropped 6% month on month bringing total circulation for the title to 483,062, while the latter saw circulation dip 3.5% to 725,247.

Amongst other titles the Sunday Express saw the most significant fall in terms of percentage with circulation slipping 6.3% month on month to 849,254. The Sun experienced the greatest loss in terms of actual numbers with circulation falling 112,076 month on month, bringing total circulation for the title to 3,453,734.

Only three titles saw circulation rise in month on month analysis during October. The Independent On Sunday saw the greatest increase in terms of percentage climbing 5.2% month on month, taking total circulation to 260,288. The Sunday Sport saw the most significant month on month rise in actual numbers with circulation climbing 6,415 to 214,746.

National Newspaper October 2001 ABC Monthly Comparisons
Title Sep 2001 Oct 2001 Actual Change % Change
Daily Express 976,417 960,698 -15,719 -1.6
Daily Mail 2,586,667 2,508,597 -78,070 -3.0
Daily Record 606,853 597,630 -9,223 -1.5
Daily Star 632,438 618,604 -13,834 -2.2
Daily Telegraph 1,048,001 1,024,135 -23,866 -2.3
Financial Times 481,818 473,901 -7,917 -1.6
Guardian 442,454 439,029 -3,425 -0.8
Independent 242,793 236,584 -6,209 -2.6
Independent On Sunday 247,496 260,288 12,792 5.2
Mail On Sunday 2,454,897 2,387,274 -67,623 -2.8
Mirror 2,271,236 2,213,301 -57,935 -2.6
News Of The World 4,161,617 4,105,999 -55,618 -1.3
Observer 514,117 483,062 -31,055 -6.0
Racing Post 75,495 77,378 1,883 2.5
Sport First 97,670 97,191 -479 -0.5
Sun 3,565,810 3,453,734 -112,076 -3.1
Sunday Business 60,591 60,284 -307 -0.5
Sunday Express 905,973 849,254 -56,719 -6.3
Sunday Mirror 1,922,066 1,878,518 -43,548 -2.3
Sunday People 1,412,463 1,393,075 -19,388 -1.4
Sunday Sport 208,331 214,746 6,415 3.1
Sunday Telegraph 849,406 831,172 -18,234 -2.1
Sunday Times 1,458,209 1,445,126 -13,083 -0.9
Times 751,441 725,247 -26,194 -3.5
Total 27,974,259 27,334,827 -623,713 -2.3

Quality Market

The Observer saw the greatest year on year increase in terms of percentage and actual numbers during October. Circulation at the title rose 8.5% or 36,860 bringing total circulation at the title to 472,711.

At the other end of the scale Sunday Business saw circulation fall 3.7% year on year to 57,184. The worst fall in actual numbers was seen at the Times, which shed 3,848 readers year on year during October, taking its total circulation to 717,657.

Quality Market May 01 – Oct 01 ABC YoY Comparisons
Title May 00 – Oct 00 May 01 – Oct 01 Actual Change % Change
Daily Telegraph 1,026,634 1,023,510 -3,124 -0.3
Financial Times 461,733 477,476 15,743 3.4
Guardian 395,770 414,425 18,655 4.7
Independent 227,519 230,453 2,934 1.3
Independent On Sunday 247,061 245,250 -1,811 -0.7
Observer 435,851 472,711 36,860 8.5
Sunday Business 59,372 57,184 -2,188 -3.7
Sunday Telegraph 804,814 812,613 7,799 1.0
Sunday Times 1,356,010 1,383,683 27,673 2.0
Times 721,505 717,657 -3,848 -0.5
Total 5,736,269 5,834,962 98,693 1.7

Mid Market

Year on year analysis of the mid market reveals that the situation remains relatively unchanged with Express titles losing round and the Mail titles gaining ground. The Daily Express saw a 9.1% drop in circulation in year on year analysis, which is 95,872 in terms of actual numbers. The Daily Mail saw a year on year increase of 3.7% or 87,297.

Mid Market May 01 – Oct 01 ABC YoY Comparisons
Title May 00 – Oct 00 May01 – Oct 01 Actual Change % Change
Daily Express 1,055,336 959,464 -95,872 -9.1
Daily Mail 2,389,489 2,477,416 87,927 3.7
Mail On Sunday 2,284,680 2,381,490 96,810 4.2
Sunday Express 971,183 882,670 -88,513 -9.1
Total 6,700,688 6,701,040 352 0.0

Popular Market

In the popular market Sport First saw the most significant increase in terms of percentage, with circulation rising 18.5% in year on year analysis. The Daily Star also saw a notable gain with circulation climbing 14.7%, which is 79,581 in terms of actual numbers. At the other end of the scale the Sunday People saw the greatest loss in terms of percentage with circulation dropping 7.5% in year on year analysis, bringing total circulation at the title to 1,398,090.

Popular Market May 01 – Oct 01 ABC YoY Comparisons
Title May 00 – Oct 00 May 01 – Oct 01 Actual Change % Change
Daily Record 618,132 601,133 -16,999 -2.8
Daily Star 541,343 620,924 79,581 14.7
Mirror 2,278,542 2,220,996 -57,546 -2.5
News Of The World 4,027,585 4,042,714 15,129 0.4
Racing Post 78,843 79,369 526 0.7
Sport First 68,124 80,698 12,574 18.5
Sun 3,628,097 3,507,176 -120,921 -3.3
Sunday Mirror 1,932,761 1,876,557 -56,204 -2.9
Sunday People 1,510,772 1,398,090 -112,682 -7.5
Sunday Sport 199,168 204,464 5,296 2.7
Total 14,883,367 14,632,121 -251,246 -1.7

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