
National Newspaper NRS Round-Up – September 2001

National Newspaper NRS Round-Up – September 2001

The latest national newspaper readership figures, released by the NRS, show that in the period April to September this year, overall readership fell 1.7%. Around half of all titles saw a drop in readership year on year, but there were some notable exceptions.

This month’s figures brought good news for GMG newspapers. The Guardian added 12.7%, to its readership year on year. Its Sunday sister title, the Observer also did well, adding 13.1%.

Fellow broadsheet the Independent on Sunday fared less well, shedding 7.6% of its readership year on year. Heavier losses still were seen at the Sunday People, which lost 16.5% from its readership year on year, and Northern & Shell’s Daily Express which saw a year on year loss of 10.1%, leaving it with a readership figure just below 2m. Consolation for Northern & Shell came at the Daily Star, which managed a 9.3% increase in readership year on year.

National Newspaper NRS Figures – September 2001
Title Apr 00 – Sep 01 Apr 01 – Sep 01 Actual Change % Change
Daily Express 2,218,000 1,994,000 -224,000 -10.1
Daily Mail 5,472,000 5,612,000 140,000 2.6
Daily Record 1,645,000 1,525,000 -120,000 -7.3
Daily Star 1,461,000 1,597,000 136,000 9.3
Daily Telegraph 2,274,000 2,258,000 -16,000 -0.7
Financial Times 597,000 643,000 46,000 7.7
Guardian 1,068,000 1,204,000 136,000 12.7
Independent 571,000 596,000 25,000 4.4
Independent On Sunday 657,000 607,000 -50,000 -7.6
Mail On Sunday 6,061,000 5,710,000 -351,000 -5.8
Mirror 5,799,000 5,746,000 -53,000 -0.9
News Of The World 10,153,000 10,176,000 23,000 0.2
Observer 1,018,000 1,151,000 133,000 13.1
Sun 9,628,000 9,499,000 -129,000 -1.3
Sunday Express 2,278,000 2,310,000 32,000 1.4
Sunday Mirror 5,718,000 5,510,000 -208,000 -3.6
Sunday People 3,680,000 3,074,000 -606,000 -16.5
Sunday Telegraph 2,038,000 2,062,000 24,000 1.2
Sunday Times 3,101,000 2,982,000 -119,000 -3.8
Times 1,542,000 1,559,000 17,000 1.1
Total 66,979,000 65,815,000 -1,164,000 -1.7

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