
Consumer ABCs: TV Listings

Consumer ABCs: TV Listings

Although the TV Listings magazine market is in decline, and circulations naturally drop post-Christmas, the top titles still perform well.

Bauer’s TV Choice continues to lead the market with a circulation – entirely in print – of 1.17 million. Period-on-period circulation decreased by only -2%, and was down nearly -3% year-on-year.

What’s On TV maintains second place with a circulation of 831,200, down -7.2% PoP, and -6.1% YoY, followed by Immediate Media’s Radio Times with a circulation of 577,087 (-8.7% PoP and -7.3% YoY).

Meanwhile, after a good start to the year, TI Media’s TV Times saw a -13% PoP decline – the highest of all titles – to 157,200.

Elsewhere, TV & Satellite Week was down -10% to 97,657.

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