8,000 professional men and women, aged between 25 and 64, with gross personal incomes of over £22,000 and/or with higher degrees, were interviewed during the period of September 1991 to July 1992 to surmise their reading habits.
The study was carried out as the fifth Pan European Survey and analysed professional readership in 16 west European countries. The survey results have just been released and reveal that out of 380 newspapers and magazines used in the survey National Geographic came out as top runner, with the Financial Times and the Economist coming near the top of the list. Other findings in the survey show that the Wall Street Journal has almost doubled its readership since the last PES in 1988, with the Financial Times also rising by almost 30,000.
International publications now account for a 34% share of readership in this area, whereas in the 1981 survey they accounted for only 29%. L’Express came second in the readership table, which studied 19 international publications, showing a healthy figure of 346,000.