
National Newspaper ABC Round-Up -March 2001

National Newspaper ABC Round-Up -March 2001

Month on Month

The Audit Bureau of Circulations (ABC) has released national newspaper circulation data for March 2001. Total circulation across all titles fell by 1.1% month on month, with eight titles seeing slippage in their individual circulations.

The largest gains were at the Sunday Express, which added nearly 90,000 or 9.9%. However, so far Richard Desmond’s efforts to pull the Daily Express back above the million mark have failed, as a 2.5% increase was not quite enough.

The Racing Post was the worst performer month on month, dropping 4.8% or just over 3,000. Also suffering was the Sport First, where its circulation has dropped by 3.7%.

National Newspaper March 2001 ABC Monthly Comparisons
Title Feb 2001 Mar 2001 Actual Change % Change
Daily Express 950,523 974,414 23,891 2.5
Daily Mail 2,394,052 2,403,754 9,702 0.4
Daily Record 601,639 602,249 610 0.1
Daily Star 556,502 569,883 13,381 2.4
Daily Telegraph 1,010,620 1,019,290 8,670 0.9
Financial Times 476,341 503,766 27,425 5.8
Guardian 396,886 399,696 2,810 0.7
Independent 223,958 225,606 1,648 0.7
Independent On Sunday 251,124 252,104 980 0.4
Mail On Sunday 2,318,537 2,404,238 85,701 3.7
Mirror 2,212,073 2,189,085 -22,988 -1.0
News Of The World 3,992,556 4,001,054 8,498 0.2
Observer 443,198 451,834 8,636 1.9
Racing Post 71,519 68,061 -3,458 -4.8
Sport First 79,901 76,914 -2,987 -3.7
Sun 3,494,108 3,514,787 20,679 0.6
Sunday Business 53,571 57,948 4,377 8.2
Sunday Express 875,724 962,707 86,983 9.9
Sunday Mirror 1,879,867 1,845,231 -34,636 -1.8
Sunday People 1,446,996 1,415,129 -31,867 -2.2
Sunday Sport 196,147 193,723 -2,424 -1.2
Sunday Telegraph 805,385 812,452 7,067 0.9
Sunday Times 1,394,381 1,371,785 -22,596 -1.6
Times 723,228 715,079 -8,149 -1.1
Total 27,159,897 26,848,836 158,062 -1.1

Year on Year

Quality Market

Once again the quality market managed to create a positive sales picture, year on year, with a 1% increase in circulation.

The Financial Times and the Observer appear to be leading the upturn, with the Observer seeing an 8.1% increase to sail past the 445,000 mark, while the FT added 8.9%, or nearly 40,000 to reach nearly 485,000.

The fortunes of the Sunday Business continue to look shaky, with a 17.7% year on year drop reducing its circulation to just 55,000. The Telegraph titles also saw less dramatic losses in the year on year comparison.

Quality Market Oct 00 – Mar 01 ABC YoY Comparisons
Title Oct 99 – Mar 00 Oct 00 – Mar 01 Actual Change % Change
Daily Telegraph 1,032,745 1,016,105 -16,640 -1.6
Financial Times 445,145 484,845 39,700 8.9
Guardian 398,276 398,536 260 0.1
Independent 224,935 229,550 4,615 2.1
Independent On Sunday 251,901 253,834 1,933 0.8
Observer 411,691 445,119 33,428 8.1
Sunday Business 67,269 55,395 -11,874 -17.7
Sunday Telegraph 819,167 805,235 -13,932 -1.7
Sunday Times 1,368,173 1,391,437 23,264 1.7
Times 723,561 720,446 -3,115 -0.4
Total 5,742,863 5,800,502 57,639 1.0

Mid Market Titles

The mid market titles saw a year on year dip in total circulation of 0.5%. There was a marked divide between publishers, with the Daily Mail and Sunday Mail seeing modest increases of 1.2% and 1% respectively, while the Daily Express and Sunday Express dropped 4.6% and 4.2% respectively, clearly still struggling to find an editorial direction to counteract their long-term decline.

Mid Market Oct 00 – Mar 01 ABC YoY Comparisons
Title Oct 99 – Mar 00 Oct 00 – Mar 01 Actual Change % Change
Daily Express 1,043,756 996,047 -47,709 -4.6
Daily Mail 2,366,645 2,395,898 29,253 1.2
Mail On Sunday 2,313,601 2,336,513 22,912 1.0
Sunday Express 968,886 928,598 -40,288 -4.2
Total 6,692,888 6,657,056 -35,832 -0.5

Popular Market

The popular market took a significant dip in the year on year analysis, dropping 2.9% or well over 400,000 readers. Worst hit in percentage terms was Sport First, whose loss of over 9,000 in circulation represented a 10% fall. In terms of actual numbers, the worst were the Sunday Mirror and Sunday People, which dropped over 108,000 each, a harder hit for the latter title in percentage terms.

The Daily Star was the only exception to the downward rule, adding just under 38,000 to its circulation base, a year on year increase of 7.1%.

Popular Market Octt 00 – Mar 01 ABC YoY Comparisons
Title Oct 99 – Mar 00 Oct 00 – Mar 01 Actual Change % Change
Daily Record 630,408 603,236 -27,172 -4.3
Daily Star 512,382 550,335 37,953 7.4
Mirror 2,261,643 2,182,572 -79,071 -3.5
News Of The World 4,087,512 3,985,639 -101,873 -2.5
Racing Post 75,242 71,034 -4,208 -5.6
Sport First 90,542 81,365 -9,177 -10.1
Sun 3,553,462 3,524,268 -29,194 -0.8
Sunday Mirror 1,966,810 1,858,051 -108,759 -5.5
Sunday People 1,566,696 1,457,438 -109,258 -7.0
Sunday Sport 205,583 197,100 -8,483 -4.1
Total 14,950,280 14,511,038 -439,242 -2.9

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