
Heat Blazes A Trail Across TV Sector

Heat Blazes A Trail Across TV Sector

The television listings sector rose for the six-month period to December 2000, up 3,498,423 copies (a 52.3% rise year on year) according to the latest ABC figures. This was thanks to the performances of Heat and Sky Customer Magazine. Redwood’s Sky Customer Magazine recorded the best performance of any title, with a 212.4% year on year rise in total average net sales.

The next best performance came from Emap’s Heat which increased by 99,801 copies (up 137.6% year on year). Heat‘s success marks a complete turnaround for the title which was revamped shortly after its initial launch following poor sales.

IPC’s TV & Satellite Week was the only other title to record a year on year increase, adding 40,488 copies to its circulation (up 22.4% year on year).

TV Listings ABC YoY Comparisons
Title PublishingCo Jul 99 – Dec 99 Jul 00 – Dec 00 Actual Ch % Ch
All About Soap Attic Futura 130,111 111,099 -19,012 -14.6
Heat Emap Metro 72,510 172,311 99,801 137.6
Inside Soap Attic Futura 263,794 241,328 -22,466 -8.5
Radio Times BBC Worldwide Ltd 1,337,036 1,264,315 -72,721 -5.4
Sky Customer Magazine Redwood Publishing 1,240,114 3,873,637 2,633,523 212.4
Soaplife IPC tx Ltd n/a 131,100 n/a n/a
Time Out Time Out Magazine Ltd 94,143 90,795 -3,348 -3.6
TV & Satellite Week IPC tx Ltd 180,530 221,018 40,488 22.4
TV Choice H Bauer Publishing n/a 732,259 n/a n/a
TV Hits Attic Futura 205,372 201,855 -3,517 -1.7
TV Quick H Bauer Publishing 638,855 553,148 -85,707 -13.4
TV Times IPC tx Ltd 790,999 689,137 -101,862 -12.9
Whats On TV IPC tx Ltd 1,741,157 1,701,064 -40,093 -2.3
Zap WV Publications Ltd n/a 209,978 n/a n/a
Total   6,694,621 10,193,044 3,498,423 52.3

Thanks to Sky Customer Magazine, AMV is market leader, with the latest circulation figure of 3,873,637 and 38% of the sector.

TV Listings Market Share by Publisher
Publishing Company Jul 00 – Dec 00
AMV 3,873,637 38
Attic Futura 554,282 5.44
BBC Worldwide 1,264,315 12.4
Cable Guide Ltd 209,978 2.06
Emap Metro 172,311 1.69
H Bauer Publishing 1,285,407 12.61
IPC tx 2,742,319 26.9
Time Out Magazine 90,795 0.89
Total 10,193,044 100.00

Emap’s Empire reclaim’s its postion as the market leader for the Film and Cinema sector, despite a fall in it’s year on year circulation total. For the six month period to December 2000, Empire’s average circulation stood at 160,021 copies.

The best year on year performance within the sector came from Future’s Total Film, which saw its sales increase by 5,066 copies (up 7% year on year). New entrant to the film sector was Hotdog from James Brown’s I Feel Good, which has a circulation of 39,254.

Film & Cinema ABC YoY Comparisons
Title PublishingCo Jul-Dec 99 Jul-Dec 00 Actual Ch % Ch
Empire Emap 173,235 160,021 -13,214 -7.6
Hotdog I Feel Good n/a 39,254 n/a n/a
Total Film Future Network Plc 72,225 77,291 5,066 7.0
Uncut IPC 50,220 53,193 2,973 5.9
Total   295,680 329,759 34,079 11.5
Film & Cinema Market Share by Publisher
Publishing Company Jul 00-Dec 00
Emap 160,021 48.53
Future Network Plc 53,193 16.13
I Feel Good 39,254 11.90
IPC 77,291 23.44
Total 329,759 100.00

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