
RAJAR Results Q2 2002- Overall Summary

RAJAR Results Q2 2002- Overall Summary

The RAJAR listening figures for the second quarter of 2002 show that in terms of share, there has been little movement, period on period. Both All BBC and All Commercial radio retained the exact same percentage share, 52.6% and 45.5% respectively, as they had in the first quarter of the year, which means the BBC retains its edge for now.

All National Commercial radio stations managed an increase in share period on period, adding 0.3 percentage points to achieve 8.1%. However, share for both All Local Commercial and BBC Local stations dropped 0.2 points each, leaving the former with a share of 37.5% and the latter with 11%.

June 2002 RAJAR Share Of Listening Comparisons
Station Survey Period Ending Mar 2002 Ending Jun 2002 % Point Change
All BBC Q 52.6 52.6 0.0
All BBC Network Radio Q 41.1 41.3 0.2
All Commercial Q 45.5 45.5 0.0
All Local Commercial Q 37.7 37.5 -0.2
All National Commercial Q 7.8 8.1 0.3
BBC Local Radio Q 11.2 11.0 -0.2
BBC Local/Regional Q 11.4 11.3 -0.1
Other Listening Q 1.9 1.9 0.0

A year on year analysis shows a more changed picture, with All BBC’s share representing a 1.3 percentage point increase, while All Commercial has fallen 1.1 percentage points. The same analysis shows that All BBC Network rose 1.4 percentage points, but again local stations have done less well, with BBC Local dropping 0.4 percentage points year on year and All Local Commercial dropping 1.1 points.

In the second quarter of 2002, reach for All Radio slipped 0.6% compared to the first three months of the year. The fall was reflected across the board, with BBC Local Radio the worst affected, seeing a fall of 6.1%.

All Commercial saw its reach decrease by 1.8% to 31.6 million, while All Local Commercial experienced a drop of 2%. While BBC Local and Regional services took some of the worst falls, All BBC Network Radio was the least affected, falling just 0.4% period on period.

June 2002 RAJAR Weekly Reach (000s) Comparisons
Station Survey Period Ending Mar 2002 Ending Jun 2002 % Change
All BBC Q 32,850 32,585 -0.8
All BBC Network Radio Q 28,728 28,625 -0.4
All Commercial Q 32,155 31,583 -1.8
All Local Commercial Q 27,448 26,905 -2.0
All National Commercial Q 11,085 10,952 -1.2
All Radio Q 44,350 44,070 -0.6
BBC Local Radio Q 8,421 7,906 -6.1
BBC Local/Regional Q 10,865 10,281 -5.4
Other Listening Q 2,728 2,675 -1.9

Year on year, the loss of reach for All Radio was 1%. However, within that, All BBC managed a 1% increase to 32.6 million, still only marginally ahead of All National’s 31.6 million- the latter having seen a 1.9% year on year fall.

The BBC’s good news extended to All BBC Network stations, which saw a 2% increase in reach year on year, but was not seen in BBC Local Radio, where reach was down 4.7%. All National Commercial also suffered in this comparison, dropping 2.6% to just under 11 million.

Average hours per listener were down in a year on year comparison according to the new figures. All Radio experienced a fall of 2% in average hours to 23.9 and this was reflected across the board. All Commercial fell 3.8% year on year in its average hours per listener, to 15.2, while All BBC dropped 1.7% to 17.

Once again, the worst hit were the local stations. All Local Commercial saw a 3.9% fall to 14.7, while BBC Local Radio dropped 3.3% to 11.9.

June 2002 RAJAR Average Hours Per Listener Comparisons
Station Survey Period Ending Jun 2001 Ending Jun 2002 % Change
All BBC Q 17.3 17.0 -1.7
All BBC Network Radio Q 15.5 15.2 -1.9
All Commercial Q 15.8 15.2 -3.8
All Local Commercial Q 15.3 14.7 -3.9
All National Commercial Q 7.8 7.7 -1.3
All Radio Q 24.4 23.9 -2.0
BBC Local Radio Q 12.3 11.9 -3.3
BBC Local/Regional Q 11.8 11.6 -1.7
Other Listening Q 7.3 7.3 0.0

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