
NRS National Newspaper Round-Up – April 2002

NRS National Newspaper Round-Up – April 2002

NRS figures for National Newspapers in the six month period ending in April 2002 show that over readership has declined 0.75% year on year. Analysis shows that the broadsheets saw the largest fluctuations in readership.

The best performer both in terms of percentage and actual numbers was the Guardian, which saw readership increase by 34.1% year on year. The Observer also saw a significant year on year increase in readership, improving by 26.1%.

At the other end of the scale, the Independent saw readership decline by 6.7% year on year and the Sunday Times slipped 2.5%.

In terms of actual numbers, daily tabloid market leader, the Sun and its weekend counterpart, the News Of The World, both saw the most significant losses. The Sun shed 550,000 readers year on year and the News Of The World saw a 479,000 year on year decline in readership.

Subscribers can access the full report by selecting “Press” from the drop-down box at the top of this page.

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