
Scottish Radio Revenues Dip As National Ads Remain Down

Scottish Radio Revenues Dip As National Ads Remain Down

Scottish Radio Holdings’ (SRH) like-for-like advertising revenues for the first three months of the new financial year (October to December) were slightly down year on year, according to the company’s AGM, which took place yesterday.

The decline reflects the “continuing reduced level of advertising revenue which the media sector as a whole is witnessing,” said chairman, Lord Gordon of Strathblane. SRH’s Score Outdoor division has been most heavily impacted by the downturn, as it relies most heavily on the national advertising levels, which have been particularly weak.

Like-for-like advertising revenues in January, for the group as a whole, are running at a similar level to last year, the group said. However, SRH says that it is still difficult to predict the point at which national revenues will start to recover.

“The strength of our local franchises should continue to partially offset any continued weakness in national advertising and the prospects for the group as a whole remain sound,” added Lord Gordon.

Scottish Radio Holdings announces its interim results on 24 May.

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