
NRS National Newspaper Round-Up – December 2001

NRS National Newspaper Round-Up – December 2001

NRS National Newspaper Round-Up – December 2001

NRS figures released for National newspapers for the period July-December 2001 showed that, year on year, the market as a whole saw an increase in readership of 0.6% to over 66 million. The largest movement in either direction, in a year on year analysis of the six month period, was seen in the readership of the broadsheets.

The worst performance came from the Independent, which dropped 61,000 readers year on year, falling 12.1%. Sister paper the Independent On Sunday did not fare much better, falling 4.8%.

The Financial Times saw healthy growth in readership year on year, of over 13%, while the Times managed a similar impressive jump during the period.

Among the tabloids, the Sunday People suffered an 8.2% drop in readership year on year, while the Daily Star’s 10% increase sees its readership now standing at 1.6 million.

Title Jul 00-Dec 00 Jul 01-Dec 01 Actual Change % Change
Daily Express 2,150,000 2,043,000 -107,000 -5.0
Daily Mail 5,593,000 5,690,000 97,000 1.7
Daily Record 1,568,000 1,613,000 45,000 2.9
Daily Star 1,444,000 1,589,000 145,000 10.0
Daily Telegraph 2,215,000 2,307,000 92,000 4.2
Financial Times 579,000 658,000 79,000 13.6
Guardian 1,118,000 1,187,000 69,000 6.2
Independent 504,000 443,000 -61,000 -12.1
Independent On Sunday 610,000 581,000 -29,000 -4.8
Mail On Sunday 5,876,000 5,987,000 111,000 1.9
Mirror 5,516,000 5,706,000 190,000 3.4
News Of The World 10,210,000 10,445,000 235,000 2.3
Observer 1,049,000 1,100,000 51,000 4.9
Sun 9,533,000 9,216,000 -317,000 -3.3
Sunday Express 2,125,000 2,197,000 72,000 3.4
Sunday Mirror 5,609,000 5,409,000 -200,000 -3.6
Sunday People 3,365,000 3,089,000 -276,000 -8.2
Sunday Telegraph 1,948,000 2,092,000 144,000 7.4
Sunday Times 3,223,000 3,049,000 -174,000 -5.4
Times 1,460,000 1,662,000 202,000 13.8
Total 65,695,000 66,063,000 368,000 0.6

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