
RAJAR Results: Q3 2003: National Commercial Still Rising

RAJAR Results: Q3 2003: National Commercial Still Rising

The latest RAJAR listening figures for the third quarter of 2003 reveal another positive performance for All Commercial Radio, which saw its share of listening increase by a solid 1.3% points period on period to just over 46%. Meanwhile, the lead enjoyed by All BBC was eroded by a further 1.2% points to just below 52%.

Earlier this week the BBC’s director of radio and music, Jenny Abramsky, admitted that she expects BBC Radio’s share of listening to continue falling in the face of increasing competition from the commercial sector (see Abramsky Claims Future Of Radio Is Under Threat).

All National Commercial put in a strong performance in the three months to September 2003, with its share of listening rising by 1.1% points period on period to 9.5%. However, All Local Commercial proved slightly less fortunate with a modest 0.3% point dip during the third quarter of this year. BBC Local Radio also saw its share of listening decline during the same period, whilst Other Listening remained virtually static at 2.0%.

September 2003 RAJAR Share Of Listening Comparisons
Station Survey Period Ending Jun 2003 Ending Sep 2003 % Point Change
All BBC Q 53 51.8 -1.2
All BBC Network Radio Q 40.8 40.9 0.1
All Commercial Q 44.9 46.2 1.3
All Local Commercial Q 36.5 36.8 0.3
All National Commercial Q 8.4 9.5 1.1
BBC Local Radio Q 11.0 10.8 -0.2
BBC Local/Regional Q 11.3 10.9 -0.4
Other Listening Q 2.1 2.0 -0.1

The picture remains largely unchanged in a broader year on year analysis with All Commercial Radio seeing its share of listening rise by 0.9% points and All BBC dipping by 0.8% points during the same three month period. Meanwhile, All National Commercial saw a healthy 2.3% points increase in its share of listening, against a 1.3% points year on year drop for All Local Commercial. BBC Local Radio and BBC Local/Regional also experienced declines during the third quarter of 2003.

September 2003 RAJAR Share Of Listening Comparisons
Station Survey Period Ending Sep 2002 Ending Sep 2003 % Point Change
All BBC Q 52.6 51.8 -0.8
All BBC Network Radio Q 41.4 40.9 -0.5
All Commercial Q 45.3 46.2 0.9
All Local Commercial Q 38.1 36.8 -1.3
All National Commercial Q 7.2 9.5 2.3
BBC Local Radio Q 11.0 10.8 -0.2
BBC Local/Regional Q 11.2 10.9 -0.3
Other Listening Q 2.1 2.0 -0.1

Period on period analysis of weekly reach reveals that All Radio remained virtually static during the three months to September. However, within this, All Commercial experienced a nominal 0.5% increase to 31.6 million and All BBC suffered a corresponding 0.5% decline to 31.8 million.

The third quarter of 2003 proved to be another impressive period for All National Commercial, which experienced a significant 7.5% period on period improvement in weekly reach to just under 12.5 million. However, All Local Commercial proved less fortunate with a slight 0.5% decline to 26.5 million during the same period.

BBC Local Radio and BBC Local/Regional saw their weekly reach drop by a respective 0.8% and 1.9% year on year during the three months to September. Other Listening also faired poorly with its weekly reach slipping by 7.9% during the same period to just under 2.6 million.

September 2003 RAJAR Weekly Reach (000s) Comparisons
Station Survey Period Ending Jun 2003 Ending Sep 2003 % Change
All BBC Q 31,961 31,790 -0.5
All BBC Network Radio Q 27,761 27,890 0.5
All Commercial Q 31,425 31,573 0.5
All Local Commercial Q 26,685 26,548 -0.5
All National Commercial Q 11,626 12,495 7.5
All Radio Q 43,663 43,712 0.1
BBC Local Radio Q 7,708 7,645 -0.8
BBC Local/Regional Q 10,146 9,955 -1.9
Other Listening Q 2,809 2,586 -7.9

The picture remains broadly the same in year on year analysis with All Radio seeing its weekly reach decline by 0.9% in the third quarter of this year. However, All Commercial suffered a slight 0.7% drop, which was overshadowed by a 2.3% dip for All BBC during the same period.

Things were notably more upbeat for All National Commercial, which experienced a marked 19.5% year on year increase in weekly reach following the launch of a raft of new digital stations from some of the industry’s key players. Meanwhile, All Local Commercial recorded a 2% year on year decline during the three months to September and All BBC Local Radio suffered a slightly more significant 3.5% drop during the same period.

Other Listening saw its weekly reach decline by 20% year on year during the three months to September 2003.

September 2003 RAJAR Weekly Reach (000s) Comparisons
Station Survey Period Ending Sep 2002 Ending Sep 2003 % Change
All BBC Q 32,545 31,790 -2.3
All BBC Network Radio Q 28,606 27,890 -2.5
All Commercial Q 31,786 31,573 -0.7
All Local Commercial Q 27,085 26,548 -2.0
All National Commercial Q 10,457 12,495 19.5
All Radio Q 44,097 43,712 -0.9
BBC Local Radio Q 7,921 7,645 -3.5
BBC Local/Regional Q 10,191 9,955 -2.3
Other Listening Q 3,234 2,586 -20.0

RAJAR data for the third quarter of 2003 paints a positive picture of average hours per listener, which rose across the board in year on year analysis. All Commercial experienced a solid 4% increase to 15.6 hours and National Commercial saw a more notable 11% improvement to 8.1 average hours per listener. Meanwhile, All BBC rose by 2.4% year on year to 17.4 hours and BBC Local Radio increased by 2.5% to 12.3 average hours per listener. Other listening experienced the most significant rise in percentage terms with a 15.7% year on year improvement to an average of 8.1 hours.

September 2003 RAJAR Average Hours Per Listener Comparisons
Station Survey Period Ending Sep 2002 Ending Sep 2003 % Change
All BBC Q 17.0 17.4 2.4
All BBC Network Radio Q 15.3 15.6 2.0
All Commercial Q 15.0 15.6 4.0
All Local Commercial Q 14.8 14.8 0.0
All National Commercial Q 7.3 8.1 11.0
All Radio Q 23.9 24.4 2.1
BBC Local Radio Q 12.0 12.3 2.5
BBC Local/Regional Q 11.6 11.7 0.9
Other Listening Q 7.0 8.1 15.7

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