
ABC Launches Historical Circulation Data

ABC Launches Historical Circulation Data

The Audit Bureau of Circulations has today launched an online facility to enable its members and subscribers to access historical certificates for its portfolio of audited newspapers, magazines and exhibitions.

The data is available by logging on to the ABC website, where users can access the most recent certificates, as well as those reaching back to the start of 2000. Certificates are listed alongside the existing historical topline figures that appear on the site, and can be downloaded by those using the site.

ABC claims the increased access to historical data will provide users with more in-depth information on audited titles, as well as helping to improve transparency and aid historical comparisons. The new facility adds to the services currently available on ABC’s website, including the ability to search for certified data and generate analysis around titles or specific industry sectors.

Commenting on the move to give access to historical data, Chris Boyd chief executive of ABC said: “The provision of historical certificates means our members and subscribers can see beyond the headline figures for newspapers, magazines and exhibitions, and really drill down into the components that make up circulation or attendance figures.”

He added: “Historical certificates help the market to uncover trends in circulation and attendance figures, and will help promote greater transparency and clarity in the way ABC figures are reported.”

ABC’s auditing expertise continue to be in high demand, with Future Publishing appointing the organisation to carry out circulation audits for all of its 50 magazine titles earlier this month. The move will see ABC return circulation figures for Future’s titles, which span the technology, games and entertainment sectors.

ABC claims the move, which comes at a time when there has been an increase in the amount of auditing work being carried out, recognises that circulation auditing is an area of speciality in its own right (see Future Publishing Hands Auditing Business To ABC).

ABC: 01442 870 800 www.abc.org.uk

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