
Newspaper Society Launches Advertising Campaign

Newspaper Society Launches Advertising Campaign

The Newspaper Society has launched a high-profile marketing campaign to highlight the strengths of the regional press as an advertising medium, in an attempt to build on its recent successes and attract more companies to the sector.

The Newspaper Society claims that local press is the only above-the-line medium to have increased advertising revenue every year for the last 12 years. The sector has succeeded in growing its share of the media market and expanding its audiences.

Readership of regional newspapers is continuing to increase, having recently topped the 40 million mark, the newspapers are now read by 85.4% of the UK’s adult population. Last year Britain’s regional press notched up its highest share of total advertising revenue since 1995 at 20.6%, its highest share of total press revenue since 1981 at 38.5% and its highest share of press national display advertising since 1984 at 9.4%.

The Newspaper Society’s latest marketing drive hopes to further increase the sector’s share of advertising and is being steered by its Marketing Committee, chaired by Kevin Beatty, managing director of Northcliffe Newspapers. The initiative also has the active support and involvement of the National Sales Strategy Group, comprising the heads of several national sales organisations, chaired by Mark Rix of Manchester Evening News.

The Newspaper Society is currently recruiting for a new marketing director, a role which will be responsible for leading the regional press effort to grow its share of media spend. Full page adverts for the position, highlighting the industry’s advertising achievements, will run in trade and regional press as well as via the internet, direct mail and PR.

President of the Newspaper Society, Stephen Parker, recently stepped down from his position as managing director of Trinity Mirror’s regional newspaper division, leaving chief executive Sly Bailey with direct responsibility for the company’s local titles for the foreseeable future. However, it is understood that his departure from the newspaper giant will not affect his year-long position with the industry body (see Trinity Confirms Regional Director To Step Down).

Newspaper Society: 020 7636 7014 www.newspapersoc.org.uk

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