
Student Media Network Appoints Sales House

Student Media Network Appoints Sales House

SUBtv has appointed Digital Media Sales to sell airtime across its rapidly expanding network of plasma television screens in student unions across the UK.

The appointment leaves SUBtv, which launched earlier this year with the backing of venture capital firm Beringea, free to concentrate of sponsorship and advertiser funded programming, while utilising DMS to maximise airtime sales.

Peter Miles, managing director of SUBtv, said: “We thought long and hard about our advertising partner and DMS showed the right blend of enthusiasm, brand understanding and hard nosed business sense. I think both companies have a lot in common, and we are going to have a lot of fun working together.”

John De Napoli, managing director of DMS, added: “SUBtv is a great opportunity for advertisers to reach an elusive yet crucial segment of the youth sector. Great content, significant reach, and a TV environment all make this a seriously powerful medium. Advertising on SUBtv gives clients a great way to start to build a lifelong relationship with tomorrows ABC1 Adults.”

SUBtv, which provides advertisers with access to the lucrative 18 to 24 year-old student market, has so far signed deals with 55 campuses across the UK, with the expectation that this will extend to 80 institutions by the end of the year.

The nation-wide network offers both traditional advertising spots and sponsorship positions via its digital television network, which screens a mix of music videos, lifestyle programming, sports highlights and on plasma screens in student bars.

A number of big name brands including Vodafone, Deloitte & Touche, Puma, Lynx and the Guardian have signed contracts to advertise on the new network, as have a range of local advertisers such as the West Midlands Police Department (see Student Television Network Courts Big Name Advertisers).

Beringea: 020 7845 7820 www.beringea.com

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