
ABC National Newspaper Round-Up – August 2004

ABC National Newspaper Round-Up – August 2004

Football First saw circulation shoot up by an impressive 37.2% during August to just over the 30,000 as the start of the Premiership season lifted sales at the Sunday sports title, according to the latest ABC national newspaper results.

Elsewhere, the Sunday Mirror experienced a solid 5.7% month on month rise to earn a total circulation of just under 1.7 million. However, its daily sibling the Daily Mirror only managed a slight 0.2% increase during the same period to 1.82 million.

The Mirror‘s fiercest rival, the Sun, also failed to shine with circulation dipping by 0.4% during August to just under 3.4 million. However, the title still managed to retain its position as the UK’s biggest selling national newspaper.

The Sun‘s Sunday sister title News Of The World performed marginally better with sales rising by 1.1% in month on month analysis to almost 3.8 million. The mid-market Sunday Express also performed well with circulation rising by an impressive 6.8% to top the one million mark at 1.05 million.

However, last month’s ABC result brought less than impressive news to the majority of broadsheet titles, with the Financial Times losing 3.5% during August to 406,438 and the Observer dipping by 2.3% during the same period to a total of 431,182.

Meanwhile, the Times and the Guardian also suffered declines with the former dipping by 0.4% to 648,000 and the latter by 1.8% to 364,500. However, the Guardian is looking to improve its fortunes by reducing its size to the Berliner format favoured by French titles Le Monde and Les Echos Preserves (see Guardian Takes Titles Compact With £50 Million Investment).

National Newspaper August 2004 ABC Monthly Comparisons
Title Jul 2004 Aug 2004 Actual Change % Change
Business, The 211,805 209,408 -2,397 -1.1
Daily Express 939,384 960,710 21,326 2.3
Daily Mail 2,418,743 2,407,082 -11,661 -0.5
Daily Mirror 1,816,908 1,821,206 4,298 0.2
Daily Record 485,802 498,838 13,036 2.7
Daily Star 919,103 919,321 218 0.0
Daily Star Sunday. 500,274 509,268 8,994 1.8
Daily Telegraph 904,981 912,334 7,353 0.8
Financial Times 421,179 406,438 -14,741 -3.5
Football First (Sunday) 21,896 30,039 8,143 37.2
Guardian 371,129 364,504 -6,625 -1.8
Independent 262,086 262,588 502 0.2
Independent On Sunday 209,003 218,593 9,590 4.6
Mail On Sunday. 2,412,785 2,339,656 -73,129 -3.0
News Of The World 3,706,972 3,746,679 39,707 1.1
Observer 441,193 431,182 -10,011 -2.3
People 1,022,243 1,021,399 -844 -0.1
Racing Post 83,121 79,081 -4,040 -4.9
Sun 3,378,306 3,363,712 -14,594 -0.4
Sunday Express 985,457 1,052,069 66,612 6.8
Sunday Mirror 1,569,781 1,659,072 89,291 5.7
Sunday Sport 159,198 156,674 -2,524 -1.6
Sunday Telegraph 692,021 706,910 14,889 2.2
Sunday Times 1,304,600 1,325,357 20,757 1.6
Times 650,448 648,091 -2,357 -0.4
Total 25,888,418 26,050,211 164,150 0.6

Quality Titles

The Business continued to see the largest year on year increase in circulation in the six months to August, rising by a mammoth 112.3% to a total of 218,691. The newspaper continues to benefit from a distribution deal with the Daily Mail, despite it coming to an end months ago. Meanwhile, the Independent also performed well with its circulation rising by 18% year on year to just under 261,000.

Quality Market Mar 04 – Aug 04 ABC YoY Comparisons
Title Mar 03 – Jul 03 Mar 04 – Aug 04 Actual Change % Change
Business, The 103,004 218,691 115,687 112.3
Daily Telegraph 924,555 913,061 -11,494 -1.2
Financial Times 455,491 431,258 -24,233 -5.3
Guardian 393,948 378,199 -15,749 -4.0
Independent 221,193 260,939 39,746 18.0
Independent On Sunday 219,653 211,556 -8,097 -3.7
Observer 445,478 446,597 1,119 0.3
Sunday Telegraph 710,806 701,216 -9,590 -1.3
Sunday Times 1,355,253 1,347,007 -8,246 -0.6
Times 638,797 654,085 15,288 2.4
Total 5,468,178 5,562,609 94,431 -2.5

Mid-Market Titles

Year on year analysis of the ABC results for the six months to August shows a continued decline amongst mid-market titles, with all but the Sunday Express experiencing a downturn. However, despite its increase of 2.6% year on year, the title has yet to breach the one million mark, with its total circulation now standing at just under 980,000.

Mid Market Mar 04 – Aug 04 ABC YoY Comparisons
Title Mar 03 – Aug 03 Mar 04 – Aug 04 Actual Change % Change
Daily Express 957,740 946,129 -11,611 -1.2
Daily Mail 2,430,632 2,410,246 -20,386 -0.8
Mail On Sunday 2,362,374 2,357,748 -4,626 -0.2
Sunday Express 954,526 979,674 25,148 2.6
Total 6,705,272 6,693,797 -11,475 -0.2

Popular Titles

A lacklustre set of results prevailed amongst the popular titles in the six months to August, with only Richard Desmond’s Daily Star and Daily Star Sunday experiencing positive growth. The Daily Star achieved a 3.1% increase in circulation to 903,829 and its Sunday sibling managed a 5.1% rise during the same period to over half a million.

Popular Market Mar 04 – Aug 04 ABC YoY Comparisons
Nov Mar 04 – Aug 04 Mar 04 – Aug 04 Actual Change % Change
Daily Mirror 1,967,436 1,851,799 -115,637 -5.9
Daily Record 511,545 494,083 -17,462 -3.4
Daily Star 877,049 903,829 26,780 3.1
Daily Star Sunday. 484,588 509,268 24,680 5.1
Football First (Sunday) 26,773 25,795 -978 -3.7
Mail On Sunday. 2,362,374 2,357,748 -4,626 -0.2
People 1,106,444 1,020,875 -85,569 -7.7
Racing Post 88,042 84,925 -3,117 -3.5
Sun 3,524,237 3,355,692 -168,545 -4.8
Sunday Mirror 1,621,148 1,577,418 -43,730 -2.7
Sunday Sport 180,134 156,709 -23,425 -13.0
Total 12,749,770 12,338,141 -411,629 -3.2

Metro Titles

The Associated Newspaper-owned commuter friendly Metro titles continued to perform well during August, with their overall certified distribution rising by 4.3% year on year. Metro North West was the only edition to experience a decline with distribution dipping by 1.1 during August.

Associated Newspaper’s Metro: Aug 03 – Aug 04 ABC YoY Comparisons
Title Aug-03 Aug-04 Actual Change % Change
Metro (LondonMetro) 442,201 477,893 35,692 8.1
Metro (Metro North East) 52,929 53,775 846 1.6
Metro (MetroMidlands) 83,336 84,455 1,119 1.3
Metro (MetroScot) 117,673 118,411 738 0.6
Metro (MetroYorkshire) 74,850 75,735 885 1.2
Metro (NorthWest) 108,838 107,670 -1,168 -1.1
Total Metro 879,827 917,939 38,112 4.3
NB: Monthly data has been used here as six monthly data are currently unavailable

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