
ITV Joins Association of Online Publishers

ITV Joins Association of Online Publishers

The UK’s largest commercial broadcaster, ITV, has joined the Board of the UK Association of Online Publishers, the trade body charged with representing the interests of online publishers.

The move brings ITV into line with rival online operators such as the BBC, BSkyB, Emap, FT.com, Guardian Unlimited, Haymarket and Times Online. The broadcaster’s head of online publishing, Colin Elms, will sit on the AOP board representing ITV Online, alongside fellow representatives from newly joined Channel 4 and the Consumers’ Association.

Commenting on ITV’s commitment to the association, Bill Murray, AOP’s chairman, said: “It is particularly significant that ITV have now joined UK AOP. The BBC were founder members, BSkyB joined last year and Channel 4 joined in July. The knowledge sharing, improvement of standards and research based strengthening of our business cases will only be further developed by ITV’s membership of UK AOP.”

Colin Elms added: “Finally a single ITV is in a position to contribute shared learning’s and practices with other online publishers that will significantly map out the future of new media in the UK. Most recently the topical debate of the Disability Discrimination Act makes the AOP an invaluable hub for online publishers to be united in a solution. ITV Online has ambitious plans to grow its audience with original content and a greater reach for its advertisers.”

ITV has been expanding its online operations recently, building closer ties with existing programming strands and producing spin-off websites. Most recently, the broadcaster united the ‘love and relationships’ content from it high profile daytime programmes under a single Love section on itv.com. The new section will tie in with This Morning, Trisha and a range of high-profile soaps (see ITV Forms Online Partnership With DatingDirect).

ITV: 020 7843 8000 www.itv.com

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