
ABC National Newspaper Round-Up – February 2004

ABC National Newspaper Round-Up – February 2004

The Independent is continuing to see circulation rise as the success of its recently launched tabloid edition goes on denting the growth of its main rivals in the broadsheet sector.

The latest ABC results for February show that the paper’s decision to extend the reach of its compact version has paid off with circulation increasing by 3% to 256,378. Last month the Independent completely ditched its broadsheet edition in Wales, Scotland, Ireland and South-West England, in a move that many believe brings it a step closer to becoming fully tabloid (see Independent Ditches Broadsheet Edition In Some Areas).

The ongoing success of the Independent appears to be causing problems for closest broadsheet rival, the Guardian, which saw circulation decline by 3.5% last month to below the 400,000 mark. The paper’s Sunday sibling also faired poorly during February with circulation dipping by 1.8% month on month to 451,737.

The Times, which was quick to follow in the Independent‘s footsteps with the launch of its own compact version, suffered a slight 0.7% dip in circulation to 655,876. However, the title recently extended the availability of its compact edition to areas outside of the original London trial zone (see Times Extends Availability Of Compact Edition).

Meanwhile, in the tabloid sector, the Daily Mirror continued to see circulation slump with a 1% month on month decline to just over 1,900,000. The title recently announced plans to raise its coverprice of its by 3p to 35p and launched a new female targeted celebrity magazine to boost sales (see Daily Mirror Coverprice To Rise As Group Profits Increase).

News International’s Sun suffered a slightly less severe 0.4% dip during the same period to 3,397,472. However, Richard Desmond’s Daily Star continued to shine with a solid 0.8% increase in circulation to just below the crucially important one million mark.

Desmond’s mid-market titles also performed well during February, with the Daily Express and the Sunday Express seeing circulation rise by 0.5% and 5.3% respectively. Earlier this month Desmond sold off his soft porn titles for an estimated £20 million in an attempt to improve his chances of buying the Daily Telegraph (see Desmond Pawns Adult Magazines For Telegraph Bid).

National Newspaper February 2004 ABC Monthly Comparisons
Title Jan 2004 Feb 2004 Actual Change % Change
Business, The 306,683 284,188 -22,495 -7.3
Daily Express 956,649 961,836 5,187 0.5
Daily Mail 2,485,210 2,408,001 -77,209 -3.1
Daily Mirror 1,919,125 1,900,250 -18,875 -1.0
Daily Record 503,077 494,980 -8,097 -1.6
Daily Star 901,879 909,291 7,412 0.8
Daily Star Sunday 556,751 496,159 -60,592 -10.9
Daily Telegraph 914,981 906,317 -8,664 -0.9
Financial Times 422,543 439,035 16,492 3.9
Guardian 383,157 369,726 -13,431 -3.5
Independent 248,876 256,378 7,502 3.0
Independent On Sunday 206,087 207,749 1,662 0.8
Mail On Sunday 2,364,156 2,349,921 -14,235 -0.6
News Of The World 3,845,373 3,949,488 104,115 2.7
Observer 459,804 451,737 -8,067 -1.8
People 1,055,810 1,039,105 -16,705 -1.6
Racing Post 75,632 73,359 -2,273 -3.0
Sport First (Sunday) 25,218 24,557 -661 -2.6
Sun 3,410,701 3,397,472 -13,229 -0.4
Sunday Express 930,001 979,089 49,088 5.3
Sunday Mirror 1,674,454 1,652,843 -21,611 -1.3
Sunday Sport 178,740 159,027 -19,713 -11.0
Sunday Telegraph 695,522 695,872 350 0.1
Sunday Times 1,370,051 1,346,452 -23,599 -1.7
Times 660,713 655,876 -4,837 -0.7
Total 26,551,193 26,408,708 -137,648 -0.5

Quality Titles

The Business was one of the few quality titles to experience any upward movement in the six months to February with circulation improving by 191.7% year on year to 265,548. However, the Mail On Sunday recently ended its distribution deal with the financial title in a move that could have a significant impact on sales (see Associated Ends Distribution Deal With The Business).

At the other end of the scale the Sunday Telegraph saw circulation decline by 7.8% year on year to 706,678 and the Independent on Sunday slipped by 5.7% during the same period to 210,958. However, the title is due to be redesigned later this month with a stronger focus on the arts and highbrow entertainment.

Quality Market Sep 03 – Feb 04 ABC YoY Comparisons
Title Sep 02 – Feb 03 Sep 03 – Feb 04 Actual Change % Change
Business, The 91,045 265,548 174,503 191.7
Daily Telegraph 960,442 916,925 -43,517 -4.5
Financial Times 451,902 436,022 -15,880 -3.5
Guardian 404,551 383,890 -20,661 -5.1
Independent 221,962 238,849 16,887 7.6
Independent On Sunday 222,075 209,431 -12,644 -5.7
Observer 470,808 464,193 -6,615 -1.4
Sunday Telegraph 766,494 706,678 -59,816 -7.8
Sunday Times 1,403,310 1,376,250 -27,060 -1.9
Times 682,446 639,560 -42,886 -6.3
Total 5,675,035 5,637,346 -37,689 -2.5

Mid Market Titles

Once again the Daily Mail was the only mid market title to see circulation increase in the six months to January with a slight 0.2% year on year improvement to 2,455,936. Richard Desmond’s Daily Express dipped by 2.4% during the same period to 957,223.

Mid Market Sep 03 – Feb 04 ABC YoY Comparisons
Title Sep 02 – Feb 03 Sep 03 – Feb 04 Actual Change % Change
Daily Express 980,646 957,223 -23,423 -2.4
Daily Mail 2,452,051 2,455,936 3,885 0.2
Mail On Sunday 2,381,475 2,367,384 -14,091 -0.6
Sunday Express 968,547 939,761 -28,786 -3.0
Total 6,782,719 6,720,304 -62,415 -0.9

Popular Titles

The Daily Star continued to put in a strong performance in the tabloid market with a solid 13.2% year on year increase in circulation to 888,587. News International’s Sun proved less fortunate with a 4.6% decline during the same period, but this was overshadowed by a sharper 8.1% fall for the Daily Mirror.

Sport First was once again among the worst performers in the popular market with a 31.9% decline in circulation to below the 26,867 mark. Trinity Mirror’s People also suffered with a 10.6% drop to 1,078,354 in the six months to February.

Popular Market Sep 03 – Feb 04 ABC YoY Comparisons
Nov Sep 03 – Feb 04 Sep 03 – Feb 04 Actual Change % Change
Daily Mirror 2,088,469 1,918,428 -170,041 -8.1
Daily Record 529,792 499,815 -29,977 -5.7
Daily Star 784,654 888,587 103,933 13.2
Daily Star Sunday 518,347 529,628 n/a n/a
News Of The World 3,959,242 3,909,342 -49,900 -1.3
People 1,191,967 1,066,137 -125,830 -10.6
Racing Post 77,854 76,657 -1,197 -1.5
Sport First 39,445 26,867 -12,578 -31.9
Sun 3,576,406 3,410,550 -165,856 -4.6
Sunday Mirror 1,703,384 1,614,916 -88,468 -5.2
Sunday Sport 186,641 177,838 -8,803 -4.7
Total 14,656,201 14,118,765 -537,436 -3.7

Metro Titles

The six months to February 2003 proved another positive period for the Associated Newspaper-owned Metro titles, which saw their overall distribution increase by 8.5% year on year to just over 900,000. The London edition of the free-sheet once again saw the most upward movement with a notable 16.5% rise in distribution to 459,151.

Associated Newspaper’s Metro: Feb 03 – Feb 04 ABC YoY Comparisons
Title Feb-03 Feb-04 Actual Change % Change
Metro (LondonMetro) 394,097 459,151 65,054 16.5
Metro (Metro North East) 52,456 54,132 1,676 3.2
Metro (MetroMidlands) 84,334 84,704 370 0.4
Metro (MetroScot) 117,598 118,607 1,009 0.9
Metro (MetroYorkshire) 74,552 75,648 -1,096 1.5
Metro (NorthWest) 107,395 109,124 1,729 1.6
Total Metro 830,432 901,366 70,934 8.5
NB: Monthly data has been used here as six monthly data are currently unavailable

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