
Emap Sneaks Back Into Phone Booths With Advertising Push

Emap Sneaks Back Into Phone Booths With Advertising Push

Emap Performance is launching a television advertising campaign in an attempt to boost circulation of its flagship Sneak magazine in the increasingly competitive teen market.

The campaign has been designed by Mother to build on the original launch activity by playing on the fact that Sneak offers readers the juiciest gossip. It will centre around a television spot featuring bright pink phone booths, which reveal shocking gossip to girls who answer the ring.

The activity will run for three weeks in April and will comprise targeted spots around teen programming on ITV, Channel 4 and selected non-terrestrial channels. Starcom MediaVest Group is handling media planning and buying for the push.

The Sneak phone booths appear in shopping malls across the country and will invite readers to catch up on the latest celebrity gossip from Sneak, in return for sharing their own gossip. The initial activity will be supported by a retail marketing initiative that will see key high street and independent stores receive a range of Sneak branded products.

Commenting on the initiative, Nikki Causer, head of marketing for pop at Emap Performance, said: “Sneak readers love the fact that Sneak gives them the best celebrity gossip and pictures every week that are naughty, daring and funny. The ad campaign focuses on this cheeky and exciting aspect of the magazine and is a proven success.”

The latest ABC results for the six months to December 2003 show that Sneak continued to gain ground in the notoriously unpredictable teenage magazine market with an impressive 20.4% year on year increase in circulation to 104,174.

However, the magazine faces tough competition from Natmags’ baby glossy, CosmoGIRL!, which saw circulation increase by almost 40% year on year to just under the 200,000 mark. The title recently relaunched with a series of new editorial features and the handbag-sized format made popular by Condé Nast’s Glamour (see CosmoGIRL! Relaunches With New Handbag Size).

Increasing competition in the teenage magazine market recently forced Emap to announce the closure of J-17 following a 6% year on year decline in circulation to 134,650, down from in the same period the previous year (see Emap Confirms J-17 To Close And Face Suspended).

Emap: 01733 568 900 www.emap.co.uk

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