
Mirror Denies Watson Will Defect To Rival News Group

Mirror Denies Watson Will Defect To Rival News Group

Mirror Group Newspapers has strongly denied reports that its general manager Ellis Watson will move back to rival News Group to take up a senior position that will include marketing as part of a wider role.

Speculation has been mounting that Watson, a former News Group marketing director, will return to the publisher after Belinda Furneaux-Harris stepped down from her role as marketing director at the Sun and the News of the World just nine months after taking up the job (see News Group Appoints New Marketing Director).

Furneaux-Harris remains employed by News Group, but her responsibilities have been passed to general manager, Richard Webb, after she had a ‘disagreement’ with bosses over the marketing strategy for the papers.

It is understood that Furneaux-Harris had become frustrated that her plans for long-term brand building were being sidelined. She also reportedly claimed that News Group places too much emphasis on short term tactical promotions, rather than new product development and brand extensions.

Watson is rumoured to have have held talks with News Group about replacing Furneaux-Harris in a newly created role that could include marketing as part of its remit. Insiders predict Watson could make the move within weeks, but the Mirror Group today rejected the suggestion of his departure.

Watson told NewsLine: “Naturally I’d be anyone’s first choice, but sadly for News Group the rumours are utter rubbish.”

If Watson were to return to News Group, one of his first priorities would be to revive the fortunes of flagship tabloid, the Sun, which has seen circulation decline by 4.6% year on year in the six months to February.

Watson left News Group in 1999 to launch the now-defunct internet venture Talkcast. He later moved to Celador International, the company behind Who Wants to Be a Millionaire?, before joining Mirror Group Newspapers last June as general manager.

News Group Newspapers www.newscorp.co.uk

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