
BSkyB Secures T-Mobile To Sponsor Euro 2004 Coverage

BSkyB Secures T-Mobile To Sponsor Euro 2004 Coverage

BSkyB has secured an exclusive cross-platform deal with telecoms provider T-Mobile to become the sponsor of its coverage of the forthcoming UEFA 2004 European football championship.

The deal will see a range of T-Mobile branding appear on Sky Sports News, Sky News and skysports.com throughout the football tournament, which takes place in Portugal from 12 June to 4 July.

Sky Sports News and Sky News will offer dedicated Euro 2004 programming every day throughout the tournament and Skysports.com will launch a special micro-site for football fans keen to follow the event.

The sponsorship deal will see T-Mobile receive on-air branding and break bumpers during coverage of the tournament on Sky Sports News and Sky News. Skysports.com will host a range of branded banners, strips and links, as well as interactive gaming and branded desktop news alerts.

The deal was negotiated by Phil Creswell from Universal McCann on half of T-Mobile. He said: “This is a fantastic opportunity to become involved in what will be a definitive source of up-to-date information during Euro 2004.”

Mark Wood, commercial director at BSkyB’s advertising sales division, Sky Media, added: “This deal highlights the integrated marketing solutions that Sky can offer to help brands reach their target audiences through its portfolio of media properties. The breadth and quality of Sky’s on-air and online coverage will reflect Euro 2004’s position as one of the year’s biggest sporting events.”

Last month BSkyB confirmed that Five’s deputy chief executive, Nick Milligan, had been appointed to take up a newly created role of managing director of its advertising sales operation. Milligan will lead Sky Media’s strategic development as the satellite broadcaster looks at ways to increase its advertising revenues (see BSkyB Confirms Milligan To Oversee Advertising Sales Arm).

BSkyB: 0207 705 3000 www.sky.com

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