
Mediaedge:cia Appoints George As Managing Director

Mediaedge:cia Appoints George As Managing Director

Mediaedge:cia has appointed ZenithOptimedia boss Tom George as its new managing director, in a move that fills the power vacuum at the top of the WPP-owned media agency.

The appointment ends a four month search by chairman Rob Norman to replace former managing director, Matt James, who shocked the industry last September by stepping down after just three months to head a start-up launched by Naked.

George is a well-regarded and respected figure in the media world and his departure will come as a blow to Puplicis-owned ZenithOptimedia, which has seen the departure of a number of senior management figures since its merger.

Commenting on the appointment, Norman said: “Tom is an experienced professional with a combination of skills and integrity that are difficult to find. I think that he is the ideal leader for our London team and that our clients will recognise that we have acquired an asset that will add real value to our relationships.”

He added: “We have terrific assets in sponsorship, digital media, direct media and digital development. Tom and I will work together to create the proposition we need to integrate these skills with the core company.”

The announcement follows the launch of Group M trading led by Nick Theakstone. George was responsible for trading at ZenithOptimedia and his appointment signals Group M’s commitment to the discipline and to building two strong businesses in the UK.

George joins Mediaedge:cia’s existing management, which is made up of the client service directors Toby Jenner, Ian Redman and Andy Martin, the chairman Rob Norman and head of MediaLab David Fletcher. It is understood that he will be replaced on the ZenithOptimedia executive board by head of television, Chris Hayward and head of radio, Jim Freeman.

Mediaedge:cia: 020 7803 2000 www.mediaedgecia.com

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