
ABC Jul-Dec 2003: Poor Performance For Men’s Magazines

ABC Jul-Dec 2003: Poor Performance For Men’s Magazines

The figures listed in NewsLine’s ABC reports are those reported by the Audit Bureau of Circulations (ABC) as at Thursday 12 February 2003. Late submissions and changes may be made after this date, and will thereafter be amended in MediaTel’s Press database. For full notes on how NewsLine’s reports are compiled please see NewsLine.

The latest ABC results for the six months to December 2003 revealed a relatively lacklustre performance for the majority of men’s lifestyle magazines, which continue to suffer from an increasingly fickle readership.

Emap’s market leading FHM experienced a 3.1% year on year decline in circulation to 601,166, despite a high-profile advertising campaign designed to raise its profile in the sector. IPC’s Loaded also fared poorly with a 9.3% drop during the same period to 263,107 (see FHM Returns To TV Advertising With Six Figure Campaign).

Media commentators will no doubt be wondering if the millions of pounds Emap and IPC have spent launching their new weekly titles, Zoo Weekly and Nuts, will prove successful with a monthly market that is showing little growth (see NewsLine Column: Going Nuts For Men’s Weeklies?).

Meanwhile, Dennis Publishing’s Maxim saw circulation slide by 2.7% year on year to 243,341 despite launching its first ever above-the-line marketing campaign in an attempt to increase circulation. However, Highbury Cabal’s Front saw its circulation decline by more than a quarter as readers turned away from its uncompromising reliance on the traditional boobs and booze formula.

However, there was good news for National Magazine Company’s Esquire, which continued to see its popularity rise on the back of its move to attract a slightly more sophisticated male reader. The title recorded a solid 3.1% year on year increase in circulation to 70,164 (see Esquire Re-Positions For The Thinking Man).

Emap’s style title Arena put in the strongest performance in men’s lifestyle sector with circulation increasing by an impressive 28.1% year on year to 40,617 the six months to December 2003 due to its focus on international writers, stylists and photographers.

Dennis Publishing’s Men’s Fitness proved there is still life in niche markets with a 17.8% year on year increase to 60,017. Rival Men’s Health improved by 1.8% during the same period to 220,446.

Men’s Lifestyle Magazine Circulations: Jul-Dec 2003 Year On Year Comparisons
Title Publisher Jul-Dec 02 Jul-Dec 03 Actual Change % Change
Arena Emap 31,712 40,617 8,905 28.1
Bizarre I Feel Good 105,620 95,095 -10,525 -10.0
Esquire National Magazine Company 68,075 70,164 2,089 3.1
Face Emap 42,242 40,286 -1,956 -4.6
FHM Emap 620,226 601,166 -19,060 -3.1
Front Highbury Cabal 142,287 103,203 -39,084 -27.5
GQ Condé Nast 123,502 124,022 520 0.4
Jack (R) Dennis Publishing n/a 39,052 n/a n/a
Loaded IPC Media 290,214 263,107 -27,107 -9.3
Maxim Dennis Publishing 250,119 243,341 -6,778 -2.7
Men’s Fitness Dennis Publishing 50,943 60,017 9,074 17.8
Men’s Health Rodale Press 216,608 220,446 3,838 1.8
Total 1,941,548 1,900,516 -41,032 -2.1

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