
TV Market Round-Up – September 2005

TV Market Round-Up – September 2005

Remote Control ITV was the only terrestrial broadcaster not to see a revenue increase during September, with a dip of 4.3% year on year pushing the company’s total down to just under £152 million.

The broadcaster’s management team are reported to be considering a reshuffle for its late evening schedules, with a move for the late evening news being considered in order to free up peaktime airspace for higher rating shows (see ITV Considers Shift For Late Evening News).

Elsewhere, there was cause for celebration amongst rival terrestrial broadcasters last month, with solid revenue rises reported year on year.

GMTV saw the largest rise, adding a healthy 8.6% on September 2004 to see its revenues total £6.7 million. Meanwhile, Five added a substantial 7.3% year on year to total £29.5 million.

Channel 4 Also performed well during September, adding 5.2% to its revenues year on year. The broadcaster, which saw success with the climax of the Ashes cricket tournament, recorded revenues of just under £70 million (see Channel 4 Cricket High Stumps Rivals).

Satellite broadcasters continued to perform well in September, adding 11.2% to revenues year on year, totaling £68.7 million.

Total Television Revenue – September 2005
Total Revenue Sep 04 Sep 05 % Change
ITV1 158,810,000 151,950,000 -4.3
C4 66,500,000 69,950,000 5.2
Five 27,500,000 29,500,000 7.3
GMTV 6,170,000 6,700,000 8.6
Total Terrestrial (inc. GMTV) 258,980,000 258,100,000 -0.3
Total Satellite 61,710,000 68,650,000 11.2
Source: Agency Estimates      

ITV Franchises

ITV’s Meridian region saw the largest increase in revenue share during September, adding 0.7% points year on year to contribute 12.37% of the broadcaster’s total.

London-based LWT also looked strong, adding 0.6% points in the same period to contribute 12.88%, while Carlton maintained its position as the largest contributor to ITV’s coffers with a 0.4% point increase.

The North West/Border region saw the largest downturn in revenue share, losing 0.5% points year on year to contribute 9.29%, while the West Country slipped by 0.2% points in the same period, remaining at the bottom of the table with a revenue share of 1.99%.

September ITV Franchise Revenue Share Comparison
Station Sep 04 Sep 05 % Point Change
Scotland 6.73 6.33 -0.4
Anglia TV 7.31 6.90 -0.4
Carlton 16.14 16.51 0.4
LWT 12.33 12.88 0.6
Central 15.16 15.33 0.2
North West/Border 9.80 9.29 -0.5
Meridian 11.66 12.37 0.7
West Country 2.19 1.99 -0.2
Ulster (UTV) 2.66 2.48 -0.2
HTV 5.58 5.71 0.1
Yorkshire/North East 10.42 10.24 -0.2

Costs Per Thousand

Five was the only terrestrial broadcaster to see rises in costs per thousand across the board during September. The broadcaster saw particularly sizable increases in both the Men and Housewives with Children categories, adding 8.4% and 8.8% respectively year on year.

Elsewhere Channel 4 saw a 7% increase year on year in costs per thousand for its Women audience, while a dip of 6.9% was evident in the Housewives with Children category.

ITV saw the largest number of declines in cost, with all but its Housewives with Children category experiencing a downturn. The broadcasters Men category saw the largest decline in costs, with a 6% decrease year on year.

Costs Per Thousand
  ITV1 % Ch YoY Channel 4 % Ch YoY Five % Ch YoY
Adults 8.88 -4.4 10.38 1.7 5.85 3.8
Men 23.12 -6.0 22.82 -4.7 14.60 8.4
Women 14.40 -3.3 19.04 7.0 9.77 0.8
Hwvs 13.62 -3.7 17.08 4.2 8.9 2.5
Hwvs/Ch 60.95 0.9 71.68 -6.9 39.43 8.8
ABC1 Adults 25.01 -0.9 22.67 2.7 17.33 4.0

Commercial Impacts

Satellite broadcasters continued to benefit from the increasing uptake of digital TV during September with commercial impacts increasing across the board. The largest rise was seen in the housewives audience, which notched up a 19.1% increase year on year.

Elsewhere, the nation’s terrestrial broadcasters saw mixed results during September. Channel 4 put in the best performance of the month, with a decline in impacts in just one audience, Women, which dipped by 1.7%. Solid increases of 10.4% and 13% in the Men and Housewives with Children categories boosted the broadcaster, which saw smaller rises in its housewives and ABC1 adults audiences.

ITV1 fared worst amongst terrestrial broadcasters, with only the increase evident in its Men audience, which rose by 1.8% year on year.

The broadcaster’s housewives with children audience saw the largest dip in impacts, with a downturn of 5.2% year on year. ABC1 adults also recorded a downturn, slipping by 3.4% in the same period.

Commercial Impacts
  ITV1 Impacts % Ch YoY C4 Impacts % Ch YoY C5 Impacts % Ch YoY Satellite Impacts % Ch YoY
Adults 20747 0.0 8,166.9 3.4 6,109 3.1 18,729 17.0
Men 7963 1.8 3,715 10.4 2,449 -1.2 8,999 15.3
Women 12784 -1.0 4,452 -1.7 3,661 6.2 9,730 18.5
Hwvs 13516 -0.6 4,964 0.9 4,015 4.5 8,130 19.1
Hwvs/Ch 3021 -5.2 3,715 13.0 907 -1.6 3,976 16.8
ABC1 Adults 7363 -3.4 8,167 2.5 2,062 2.9 18,729 17.0

BARB: www.barb.co.uk

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