
Aegis Appoints New CEO As Bollore Passes 20% Share

Aegis Appoints New CEO As Bollore Passes 20% Share

Vincent Bollore French entrepreneur Vincent Bollore continued his month-long spending spree this morning, buying a further 1.87 million shares in media group Aegis, pushing his share in the firm above 20%.

The latest purchase was made as Aegis unveiled Mainardo de Nardis as the new chief executive officer of Aegis Media and gives Bollore a total share of 20.13% in Aegis.

Bollore has so far refused to comment on his intentions towards Aegis, despite mounting speculation that he will soon make an offer for the firm, describing his share purchases as a “financial investment,” rather than a strategic investment.

Last week saw rival Publicis confirm its intention to step out of the bidding for Aegis, after examining a potential offer for several weeks. Other candidates are known to be interested in the company, however, with WPP expressing a desire to purchase its research operation, Synovate (see WPP Confirms Interest In Aegis Research Arm).

Meanwhile, Aegis’ appointment of de Nardis sees the experienced media boss take control of the company amid the mounting merger speculation. In addition to his role as chief executive officer of Aegis Media, the new chief will hold a position on the board of Aegis Group plc.

De Nardis has spent the last 25 years in the advertising industry, most recently as CEO of Mediaedge:cia, part of WPP’s GroupM. His new role will be taken up as soon as possible after completing his existing commitments.

Commenting on the appointment, Robert Lerwill, CEO of Aegis Group, said: “Changes in technology and lifestyles are putting media at the heart of customer communications. The principal Aegis Media brands – Carat, Vizeum, Isobar and Posterscope – are well placed and focused. They are outgrowing their markets and Mainardo will be leading the strong management team already in place. He brings a wealth of experience to us in the international media buying and planning arena and his appointment reflects well on Aegis Media.”

Mainardo de Nardis added: “Media communications is in the ascendant and this feels like a natural move. The skills within Aegis Media today mean it can play a huge part in shaping the future of our industry – at a time when clients actively want to see change. I’ve watched Aegis Media keenly for many years now. And I’ve constantly been struck by the determination, entrepreneurship and creativity I see there.”

Aegis Group: 020 7070 7700 www.aegisplc.com

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