
Aegis Boosts Isobar With French Digital Agencies

Aegis Boosts Isobar With French Digital Agencies

Aegis Logo Media buying and market research firm, Aegis Group, has this morning announced the acquisition of leading French digital agencies Planète Interactive and Webcontents, integrating the new businesses with its existing Isobar network.

The purchases, which cost Aegis a combined €9 million, will be payable in cash over three years and subject to strict performance conditions.

Planète Interactive and Webcontents merged earlier this year and will now provide key elements of Aegis’ Isobar service in France.

Planète Interactive is principally involved with corporate website creation involving e-commerce, with high-profile clients including Christian Dior, Pierre et Vacances, L’Oreal and PricewaterhouseCoopers.

Webcontents both creates and delivers digital content for online and mobile clients, including France Telecom, Michelin and the World Wildlife Fund.

Commenting on the acquisition, Robert Lerwill, CEO of Aegis Group, said: “Digital media is one of the most exciting areas we’re in today. With Isobar, we’re already ahead of the game in what we can do for clients, and we’re continuing to expand our offer.

“Planète Interactive and Webcontents are both high quality businesses that will help us do just that, and we’re pleased to bring them into Aegis.”

Aegis has seen its business expand rapidly in recent months, with the £14.75 million purchase of digital creative agency, glue, further bolstering the Isobar network (see Aegis Buys Glue To Extend Digital Offerings).

Last month also saw the company splash out £10 million on the purchase of media and communications group, Just Media Limited (see Aegis Buys JML For £10 Million).

Aegis Group: 020 7070 7700 www.aegisplc.com

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