
Google Launches Content Bid For Adwords

Google Launches Content Bid For Adwords

Google Logo Internet search giant Google has announced that it has launched a separate content bid service for its search marketing tool Adwords, with the service enabling advertisers to set one price when their ads run on search sites and a separate price when they run on content sites.

Explaining how the service works, Google said in a statement: “If you find that you receive better business leads of a higher ROI from ads on content sites, you can now bid more for one kind of site and less for the other. Content bids let you set the prices that are best for your business.”

Google added that content bidding would not affect the way that AdWords ranks adverts, or how it selects adverts that run on content pages.

The new system will be integrated into the existing AdWords campaign management interface and will be available to all advertisers.

Google launched a test version of Adwords at the beginning of the year, with the system designed to give advertisers much greater direct control over their online campaigns (see Google Gives Advertisers More Control Over AdWords).

The program gives agencies the ability to integrate Google’s paid-for search listings advert technology into their own applications and system tools. In addition, the system allows management programs to be built, enabling direct measurement, and forecasting, of progress by campaigns.

Google: 020 7031 3000 www.google.co.uk/

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