
BBC Ads On TV To Go To MMC

BBC Ads On TV To Go To MMC

A government enquiry has decided that advertising of BBC magazines on BBC TV is unfair to other publishers and should be referred to the Monopolies and Mergers Commission.

A delegation led by John Mellon, chairman and Chief Executive of IPC magazines, made an appeal to Peter Lilley, the Trade & Industry Secretary, last month.

The BBC is guilty of “blatant distortion of competition” through the promotion of its own magazines on its own channels, according to the new report from John Sadler on cross-media promotion. The BBC remains defiant, and is to continue the practice.

The Sadler Inquiry took a year to reach this conclusion; it was set up to look at the propriety of media conglomerates promoting their interests across their publications and TV channels, in the wake of BSB’s object- ions to Sky’s promotion in News International newspapers.

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