
Lewis Leaves Sunday Times For Daily Telegraph

Lewis Leaves Sunday Times For Daily Telegraph

Cover Of Telegraph William Lewis, business editor of the Sunday Times, looks set to join the Daily Telegraph filling the space left vacant by the papers city editor, Neil Collins.

According to industry speculation, he told John Witherow, editor of the Sunday Times and Les Hinton, executive chairman of News International, his intention to leave yesterday.

On arrival at the Daily Telegraph, Lewis is expected to play a part in a substantial revamp, with editor, Martin Newland expected to make a large investment in changes to the papers business section in the autumn.

Although the Daily Telegraph is still the nation’s preferred quality daily, the latest ABC figures for June showed the paper to have lost 0.3% of its circulation year on year, taking its total down to just over 900,000 (see Downward Trend Continues In National Newspapers).

Lewis’s exit from the Sunday Times to the Daily Telegraph follows in the path of Mathew Watkins, advertising sales director of The Times, who defected to the Telegraph in June to become the newspaper’s new group sales director (see Telegraph Scoops Times Ad Director).

Earlier this year saw the Telegraph appoint Alex Foster as its new head of classified advertising, a move which saw her leave the Guardian after 11 years. (see Telegraph Appoints New Head Of Classified Advertising).

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