
IPC Shuffles Women’s Weekly Editors To Spur Success

IPC Shuffles Women’s Weekly Editors To Spur Success

Woman's Weekly Cover IPC Connect has announced the appointment of Sheena Harvey as editor of it long-running Woman’s Weekly magazine, beginning her new role later this month with a clear remit to boost the title’s performance.

Harvey will move from her position as deputy editor of IPC’s Chat magazine to head up the long running Woman’s Weekly, replacing Gilly Sinclair who will, in turn, move to edit Chat.

Commenting on the moves, Oswin Grady, Woman’s Weekly publishing director said: “I am delighted that Sheena is joining us. Sheena’s passion for the title and instinctive knowledge of the market make her the perfect editor for this famous and highly successful brand. Sheena is just the person to take Woman’s Weekly to even greater heights.”

Harvey added: “I am thrilled to become editor of Woman’s Weekly. It is such a successful household name and I can’t wait to lead its highly talented team. I’ve really enjoyed my time at Chat, its a great magazine with a brilliant team who’ve taught me alot, but I simply can’t resist the challenge of editing Women’s Weekly.”

The move to switch the two titles’ editorial management is clearly designed to boost the fortunes of Woman’s Weekly, which has seen its circulation decline steadily in recent years, with a slight upturn in 2001 failing to kick start any significant growth.

According to the latest ABC figures, Woman’s Weekly has seen its circulation dip by 1.2% year on year in the six months to December 2004. The title now commands total sales of 447,696. Meanwhile, Chat has seen a circulation rise by 5.2% in the same period, with the title now totaling 636,310.

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