
ABC National Newspaper Round-Up – August 2005

ABC National Newspaper Round-Up – August 2005

Newspapers Daily Newspaper Market

August saw the Guardian record its last full month as a broadsheet newspaper, but left the title with a disappointing 6.3% decline in circulation year on year. The dip is less significant in period on period analysis, although a 4.6% dip is still evident and leaves the title with total sales of 341,698.

Broadsheet rival the Daily Telegraph will be the only quality daily to print in large format from Monday, as the Guardian switches to its new Berliner format, and although the title remains the market leader, its circulation continues to slip, losing 0.8% year on year to total 904,660.

The Times made the largest increase in circulation amongst the quality dailies, adding 5% year on year to push its total to 680,214, although this increase is ahead of September’s cover price increase, which saw the title rise from 55p to 60p.

The Mid Market looked down in the mouth throughout August, as the Daily Express and Daily Mail both saw circulation declines. The Express lost 8.8% year on year, dipping to 876,563, while the Mail was less hard hit, shedding just 0.9% to total 2.38 million.

Elsewhere, the Popular market also lacked hope, with the Daily Record shedding the most from its total, losing 4.9% year on year to total 474,186. Meanwhile the Sun saw the smallest decline, slipping just 0.1% year on year and remaining the nation’s best selling national newspaper with sales in excess of 3.36 million.

The paper’s arch rival, the Daily Mirror struggled meanwhile, suffering a 2.8% decline to leave total sales of 1.77 million.

National Newspaper ABC Figures – Aug 2005
Daily Titles Aug-04 Aug-05 Actual Change % Change
Daily Telegraph 912,334 904,660 -7,674 -0.8
Financial Times 406,438 413,882 7,444 1.8
Guardian 364,504 341,698 -22,806 -6.3
Independent 262,588 255,906 -6,682 -2.5
Times 648,091 680,214 32,123 5.0
Mid Market        
Daily Express 960,710 876,563 -84,147 -8.8
Daily Mail 2,407,082 2,384,943 -22,139 -0.9
Daily Mirror 1,821,206 1,769,771 -51,435 -2.8
Daily Record 498,838 474,186 -24,652 -4.9
Daily Star 919,321 893,601 -25,720 -2.8
Sun 3,363,712 3,361,306 -2,406 -0.1
Total Daily 9,970,869 9,760,370 -210,499 -2.11

Quality Daily Titles

The Daily Telegraph retained its position at the top of the nation’s quality daily market, despite a slip of 0.8% in sales year on year. The title now commands a circulation of 904,660 and, from Monday, will be the last remaining quality title in true broadsheet format.

The paper is believed to be planning a radical revamp in the coming months, however, with new arrival William Lewis expected to play a part as editor Martin Newland makes a large investment in changes to the paper’s business section in the Autumn (see Lewis Leaves Sunday Times For Daily Telegraph).

Elsewhere, the Financial Times saw its circulation rise by 1.8% year on year in August, pushing the paper’s total sales to 413,882. The picture is also positive in period on period analysis, as the paper is seen to increase its sales by 0.9%.

The Independent saw a slip during August, losing 2.5% from its circulation year on year, while in period on period comparison the paper is seen avoiding decline, with an increase of 0.1%. The Independent now commands a circulation of 255,906.

The Times saw its circulation increase in August, adding 5% year on year. However, in period on period comparisons, the title is shown to have shed 2.6% on the previous month, with circulation now resting at 680,214.

Mid Market Daily Titles

The nation’s mid market titles took a downward turn in August, with the Daily Mail and the Daily Express suffering dips of 0.9% and 8.8% respectively.

The Daily Express now commands a circulation of 876,563 while the Daily Mail remains the market leader, and the nation’s second best selling daily newspaper at 2.38 million.

Popular Daily Titles

There were no circulation increases amongst the nation’s popular titles during August, although the Sun came close with only a minor sales slip of 0.1%. The paper’s circulation now totals 3.36 million and remains the largest of any national newspaper.

Meanwhile, the Daily Mirror saw a decline of 2.8% year on year, pushing its total down to 1.77 million, while the I>Daily Record and Daily Star also suffered declines.

A 4.9% slip knocked the Daily Record‘s total to 474186, while the Daily Star now rests at 893,601 after a 2.8% downturn year on year.

Sunday Newspaper Market

The Sunday newspaper market looked similarly downbeat in August, with the market as a whole losing 3.2% from its circulation.

The Sunday Times put its rivals to shame with an increase of 2.5% year on year. This translates to a rise of 32,559 in real terms, and compared with the downturns of its competitors will be all the more sweet for News International.

The Sunday Times was the only paper to stave off a fall in circulation, and there were significant declines in other sectors too, as the Sunday Express shed 12.6% in the Mid Market and the Daily Star Sunday lost a sizeable 14.3% in the Popular sector. The titles now command circulations of 919,583 and 434,863 respectively.

National Newspaper ABC Figures – Aug 2005
Sunday Titles Aug-04 Aug-05 Actual Change % Change
Independent On Sunday. 218,593 202,248 -16,345 -7.5
Observer 431,182 425,737 -5,445 -1.3
Sunday Times 1,325,357 1,357,916 32,559 2.5
Sunday Telegraph 706,910 669,747 -37,163 -5.3
Mid Market        
Mail On Sunday. 2,339,656 2,272,476 -67,180 -2.9
Sunday Express 1,052,069 919,583 -132,486 -12.6
Daily Star Sunday. 507,661 434,863 -72,798 -14.3
News Of The World 3,746,679 3,759,443 12,764 0.3
People 1,021,399 945,803 -75,596 -7.4
Sunday Mirror 1,659,072 1,558,367 -100,705 -6.1
Total Sunday 11,349,506 10,987,816 -361,690 -3.2

Quality Sunday Titles

The nation’s quality Sunday titles took a bruising in August, with all but the Sunday Times suffering circulation downturns. The Independent on Sunday was worst hit, losing 7.5% year on year to push its total circulation to 202,248, while the Sunday Telegraph also slipped, shedding 5.3% in the same period to 669,747.

The Observer was similarly depressed, with a decline in sales of 1.3% year on year leaving its total at 425,737.

The Sunday Times remains the nation’s best selling quality Sunday title, with a circulation of 1.36 million, up 2.5% year on year.

Mid Market Sunday Titles

The Sunday mid market echoed the performance of its weekday counterpart during August, with declines for both the Mail on Sunday and Sunday Express.

The Sunday Express saw the largest dip, losing 12.6% year on year to 919,583. The Mail on Sunday shed 2.9% in the same period to rest at 2.27 million.

Popular Sunday Titles

The Sunday popular market saw just one glimmer of hope during August, with only the News of the World making an increase.

The paper added 0.3% to its total year on year, resting at 3.76 million, while the Daily Star Sunday was less fortunate. The paper suffered the worst declines of any popular title, as a 14.3% downturn in sales year on year knocked more than 72,000 from its total in real terms. The title now commands sales of 434,863.

Meanwhile, the Sunday Mirror lost 6.1% from its circulation year on year, pushing its total down to 1.56 million, while the People lost 7.4% in the same period to total 945,803.

Six Monthly Year On Year Analysis

National Newspaper ABC Figures – March 2005 – Aug 2005
Daily Titles Mar 04 – Aug 04 Mar 05 – Aug 05 Actual Change % Change
Daily Telegraph 913,061 909,058 -4,003 -0.4
Financial Times 431,258 423,980 -7,278 -1.7
Guardian 378,199 361,494 -16,705 -4.4
Independent 260,939 259,566 -1,373 -0.5
Times 654,085 683,417 29,332 4.5
Mid Market        
Daily Express 946,129 895,995 -50,134 -5.3
Daily Mail 2,410,246 2,378,917 -31,329 -1.3
Daily Mirror 1,851,799 1,746,569 -105,230 -5.7
Daily Record 494,083 467,001 -27,082 -5.5
Daily Star 903,829 865,251 -38,578 -4.3
Sun 3,355,692 3,277,061 -78,631 -2.3
Total Daily 9,961,778 9,630,794 -330,984 -3.32
National Newspaper ABC Figures – March 2005 – Aug 2005
Sunday Titles Mar 04 – Aug 04 Mar 05 – Aug 05 Actual Change % Change
Independent On Sunday. 211,556 206,835 -4,721 -2.2
Observer 446,597 441,943 -4,654 -1.0
Sunday Times 1,347,007 1,353,685 6,678 0.5
Sunday Telegraph 701,216 682,750 -18,466 -2.6
Mid Market        
Mail On Sunday. 2,357,748 2,293,048 -64,700 -2.7
Sunday Express 979,674 930,852 -48,822 -5.0
Daily Star Sunday. 509,268 439,177 -70,091 -13.8
News Of The World 3,780,554 3,664,228 -116,326 -3.1
People 1,020,875 942,481 -78,394 -7.7
Sunday Mirror 1,577,418 1,527,792 -49,626 -3.1
Total Sunday 11,354,495 10,954,999 -399,496 -3.5

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