
Virgin Radio To Undertake Trade Branding Review

Virgin Radio To Undertake Trade Branding Review

Virgin Radio Logo Virgin Radio is to undertake a review of its brand image amongst trade audiences, hiring strategic brand consultancy, Branded, ahead of a push for more promotional and business opportunities.

Branded’s review will provide Virgin with insight into perceptions of its brand within the marketplace, helping to inform the station’s trade strategy and communication going forward. As part of the project Branded have provided brand positioning recommendations to take the Virgin Radio brand forward.

The brand consultancy’s appointment follows the arrival of Virgin’s new chief executive, Fru Hazlitt, who put the review into place and re-established partnership with Branded’s Founder and managing director Philip Ley, having worked together in her former position of MD at internet giant, Yahoo!

“It’s an exciting time for us,” Hazlitt explained. “Our new breakfast presenter Christian O’Connell starts in January and to make the most of this huge opportunity we need to understand where we’re starting from. Branded has unique experience in entertainment, broadcast and technology and will be able to provide us with a unique insight.”

Ley added: “Commercial radio sits on the cusp of a new technological revolution. Over the next two years this will mean more opportunities for Virgin Radio, not less. It’s a great brand and the listeners love it. That’s a great foundation from which to build – and we’re delighted to be involved.”

The descision to review Virgin’s brand image follows a high profile relaunch for the station earlier this year, adding the strapline “The Music We All Love” and using what it describes as an emotional statement to broaden its appeal and expand its listenership (see Virgin Takes To The Road With New Branding).

Virgin Radio: 020 7434 1215 www.virginradio.co.uk

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