
Television Market Round-Up – May 2005

Television Market Round-Up – May 2005

People Watching TV GMTV was the only terrestrial television broadcaster to boost its revenues during May, adding an impressive 5.6% year on year to total £5.1 million.

GMTV’s increased fortunes followed a panning of the broadcaster’s sponsorship practices by presenter Fiona Phillips, however, who claimed that the early morning show has become “more about selling than about the content” (see Phillips: GMTV ‘Hijacked’ By Sponsorship Deals).

Meanwhile, ITV1 saw the largest decline in revenues during May, shedding 11.1% year on year to total £138.5 million. May saw the broadcaster forced to drop high-profile reality show, Celebrity Wrestling, following a declining audience share after just three weeks (see ITV Drops Wrestling As Ratings Hit The Floor).

However, ITV regained some lost ground later in the month, with the launch of Celebrity Love Island, which drew a peak of 5.67. The show’s five-week run generated some large audiences for ITV, despite going head-to-head with Channel 4’s more established Big Brother (see 5.7 Million Join ITV For Celebrity Love In).

Finishing earlier this month, Love Island bowed out with another successful screening, as 5.9 million viewers tuned in to see Fran Cosgrave and Jayne Middlemiss scoop the £100,000 prize money, trouncing Big Brother which peaked at 4.2 million despite over-running ITV by half an hour (see Love Island Bows Out With 5.9 Million).

Channel 4 also suffered, losing 4.1% of revenues year on year, dipping to £61.5 million. The broadcaster also enjoyed sporadic ratings highs throughout May, with Big Brother’s launch providing its usual lift, but falling short of a record audience (see Big Brother Launches on a High But Falls Short Of Record).

Five saw its revenues dip year on year, although its decline of 0.6% was less severe than many of its terrestrial rivals. The broadcaster’s revenues currently total £24.5 million, although reports in May suggested that United Business Media was preparing to offload its 35% stake in the company, with 65% stakeholder, RTL Group, in line to purchase the remaining share for £200 million (see UBM Considers Sell Off Of Stake In Five).

The nation’s satellite channels continued to see revenues increase, adding an impressive 13% year on year in May, continuing a trend of increase which shows no sign of slowing. Total revenue for Britain’s satellite broadcasters is now £67.3 million.

Total Television Revenue – May 2005
Total Revenue May 04 May 05 % Change
ITV1 155,760,000 138,500,000 -11.1
C4 64,190,000 61,530,000 -4.1
Five 24,680,000 24,530,000 -0.6
GMTV 4,830,000 5,100,000 5.6
Total Terrestrial (inc. GMTV) 249,460,000 229,660,000 -7.9
Total Satellite 59,560,000 67,330,000 13.0
Source: Agency Estimates      

ITV Franchises

Scotland saw the largest increase in ITV’s revenue share during May, adding 0.9% points year on year to contribute 6.71% of the broadcaster’s total. Yorkshire/North East also performed well, adding 0.5% points to make up 10.64%.

Elsewhere the Central region saw the largest decline in revenue share, losing 0.7% points from its contributions, which slip to 15.75. However, the broadcaster remains the largest contributor, closely followed by Carlton.

West Country was the only region to see its revenue share remain static, holding steady at 2.01% of ITV’s total.

May ITV Franchise Revenue Share Comparison
Station May 04 May 05 % Point Change
Scotland 5.80 6.71 0.9
Anglia TV 7.28 7.27 -0.0
Carlton 15.84 15.28 -0.6
LWT 12.32 11.99 -0.3
Central 16.42 15.75 -0.7
North West/Border 10.16 10.05 -0.1
Meridian 11.91 11.85 -0.1
West Country 2.05 2.01 -0.0
Ulster (UTV) 2.53 2.75 0.2
HTV 5.52 5.71 0.2
Yorkshire/North East 10.18 10.64 0.5

Costs Per Thousand

ITV saw costs per thousand fall for all audiences during May, with the largest decline seen for the Men category, which was down by 7.9% year on year to £21.46. ITV’s Adult audiences also saw costs in decline, as a dip of 7.8% saw them total £8.32.

Elsewhere Five saw similar declines, with the largest reduction occurring in the Housewives with Children category, which was down by 15% year on year.

Five saw some positive growth, however, with costs in its Men audience rising by 4.5% year on year to £11.88.

Channel 4 saw increases in all of its audiences meanwhile, with an increase of 4.2% year on year leading the way in the Men category. Adults and ABC1 Adults also saw rises, adding 3.8% year on year to rise to £9.50 and £20.32 respectively.

Costs Per Thousand
  ITV1 % Ch YoY Channel 4 % Ch YoY Five % Ch YoY
Adults 8.32 -7.8 9.50 3.8 4.68 -4.7
Men 21.46 -7.9 22.18 4.2 11.88 4.5
Women 13.60 -7.7 16.61 3.4 7.71 -10.7
Hwvs 12.88 -6.9 15.23 3.3 7.1 -5.4
Hwvs/Ch 56.43 -1.9 61.24 0.1 30.31 -15.0
ABC1 Adults 23.44 -3.6 20.32 3.8 14.41 -5.2

Commercial Impacts

Both ITV and Channel 4 saw commercial impacts decline across the board in May, with ITV worst hit in the Housewives with Children audience, which declined by 9.4% year on year. Meanwhile, Channel 4 saw its largest downturn in the Men category, shedding 8% of impacts over the same period.

Elsewhere, Five saw increases in impacts in all but the Men audience, which dipped by 4.9% year on year. The broadcaster’s largest increase was made in the Housewives with Children category, which rose by 17% in the same period.

The nation’s satellite broadcasters saw increases in impacts across the board during May, with the largest growth notched up by Housewives with Children, which increased by 20% year on year, ahead of Men, at 19.2% and Adults, up by 18.5%.

Commercial Impacts
  ITV1 Impacts % Ch YoY C4 Impacts % Ch YoY C5 Impacts % Ch YoY Satellite Impacts % Ch YoY
Adults 20162 -3.6 7,851 -7.6 6,358 4.3 18,479 18.5
Men 7821 -3.4 3,362 -8.0 2,503 -4.9 8,890 19.2
Women 12341 -3.7 4,490 -7.3 3,856 11.3 9,588 17.8
Hwvs 13031 -4.5 4,895 -7.2 4,201 5.1 10,237 18.4
Hwvs/Ch 2974 -9.4 1,218 -4.2 981 17.0 3,949 20.0
ABC1 Adults 7159 -7.8 3,669 -7.7 2,063 4.8 18,479 18.5

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