
Digital-Only Stations Deliver Record Performances

Digital-Only Stations Deliver Record Performances

Radio Set The latest RAJAR data for Q3 2006 reveals that digital only stations are continuing to perform strongly, delivering record performances in weekly reach and total hours.

Weekly reach for digital only stations increased by 4% period on period and 17% year on year, whilst total hours grew by 3.5% compared with Q2 and 15% year on year.

The potential UK digital radio audience remained stable in Q3, at 54% of the UK population (26.7 million).

The percentage of adults who live in DAB households was static period on period at 15.3%, whilst listening via DTV was down very slightly, from 38.9% in Q2 to 38.7% in Q3.

RAJAR also revealed that 31.2% had visited the website of a radio station in Q3, up from 28.3% in Q2, whilst almost 6% had listened to a local station.

Additionally, 9.4% of listeners said that they listen to the radio via the internet at least once a week in Q3 2006, compared with 8.6% in Q3 2005.

The RAJAR data also showed that 26.1% of adults (13 million) now own an MP3 player, up from 25.8% in the second quarter of 2006, while over half (51.8%) of the 15-24 age group own one.

Listening to the radio via mobile phones remained static at 9.7% of mobile phone owners (7.1% of the adult population).

For the second time, RAJAR released figures on podcasting, saying that 2 million listeners use their MP3 players to listen to podcasts, up from 1.9 million in Q2.

RAJAR: 020 7292 9040 www.rajar.co.uk

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