
UK Internet Users Won’t Pay For Podcasts

UK Internet Users Won’t Pay For Podcasts

IPod Two-thirds of internet users in the UK are not willing to pay for podcasts, according to a wide-ranging report on the digital habits of UK consumers, which is published today by Guardian Newspapers.

The survey found that of the 29% of consumers who did not refuse outright to pay for podcasts, the most they were prepared to pay was £1.

Of those that have downloaded a podcast, 60% said they were happy to have advertising on them if it meant they remained free to download. 46% said that they were happy to hear advertising if it was relevant to the content.

The research has been carried out by Harris Interactive using an online panel to form a nationally representative sample of internet users in the UK.

The Guardian: 020 7478 5240 www.guardian.co.uk

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