
ITV Could Get Carter

ITV Could Get Carter

ITV Logo ITV is supposedly lining up a ‘dream team’ of Stephen Carter, former head of Ofcom, as chief executive, and Channel 4’s Kevin Lygo as director of programmes.

According to reports in the trade press, the duo are the frontrunners to take over the posts, with shareholders wanting to bring in a new programming chief at the same time as a replacement for Charles Allen is found.

The Guardian quotes a source as saying that Lygo has spoken to a member of ITV’s board, thought to be Sir Bob Phillis, about joining ITV.

A separate source is quoted by the Guardian as saying that a list had been drawn up for the director of programmes role, with Lygo favourite to take the position.

Charles Allen resigned as CEO in August and there have been rumours recently that shareholders want a new chief executive before Christmas (see ITV Shareholders Want New CEO By Christmas).

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