
Ofcom Publishes Product Placement Findings

Ofcom Publishes Product Placement Findings

Ofcom Logo Ofcom has published the key findings of its consultation into the potential impact of product placement, coming to the conclusion that there is no consensus over its introduction.

Ofcom made clear that product placement is currently prohibited by EU legislation, and as such, any conclusion it reached would be constrained by developments at a European level.

It said that although there are continuing discussions within the EU about removing the total prohibition on product placement and the sorts of controls to govern its use which may be needed to accompany its introduction.

The regulator adds that in general, broadcasters favour a controlled introduction of product placement whilst consumer and viewer groups are opposed to the concept.

In addition, predicted economic benefits appear to be modest, with several issues remaining to be resolved even before a limited introduction of product placement.

Ofcom: 020 7981 3040 www.ofcom.org.uk

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