
MRG Conference: JICIMS Moving Forward

MRG Conference: JICIMS Moving Forward

MRG Logo Speaking at the MRG conference in Vienna last week, Peter Bowman, consultant to the IAB, outlined the creation of JICIMS, the Joint Industry Committee for Internet Measurement Systems.

Working with the AOP (Association for Online Publishers), IAB and ISBA, the aim is to create an industry planning currency for the internet that would sit alongside existing industry currencies, such as BARB, NRS or RAJAR.

Bowman explained that JICIMS will be user-centric measurement as opposed to site-centric measurement, which is currently provided by JICWEBS and ABCe. He compared the difference between the two types of measurement as NRS versus ABC but for the online industry.

JICIMS will be a legal entity by the end of the year, with a board, a development group and a website, with fieldwork currently underway. An Establishment Survey is being conducted via the NRS, with 15 questions on the survey relating to adult internet behaviour such as internet usage, frequency of use, location, type of device and broadband take-up. In addition the survey will look at work versus leisure usage and online shopping, all interlaced with NRS demographics. The results of the survey will be available in March to NRS or JICIMS subscribers.

The NRS alliance is purely to establish population analysis, as Bowman stated that there are currently too many varied and inconsistent audience estimates for the internet. Once universe figures are agreed, JICIMS can move forward with a planning currency which initially would cover display advertising only. However, Bowman stated that an internet currency is likely to be less all encompassing than other currencies.

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