
1 Million Customers Register Interest In Sky Broadband

1 Million Customers Register Interest In Sky Broadband

Sky Logo BSkyB says that 74,000 customers have been connected to its broadband service since it was launched in July, and that around 1 million of its 8.3 million subscribers have registered interest in the offering.

BSkyB also revealed that over 20% of all Sky households now have Sky+, with 1,692,000 subscribing to the service as of September 30, up by 139,000 since the end of June.

In addition, the company’s high definition television service BSkyB’s high definition TV service is now in 96,000 homes, an increase of 38,000 on the last quarter.

Multiroom households increased by 46,000 in the quarter to 1,093,000, 13% penetration of total direct to home satellite subscribers.

There have also been 49,000 customers signed up to Sky Talk’s £5 per month anytime calls package, taking the total Sky Talk customer base to 204,000.

James Murdoch, chief executive said: “This has been an important period for the company. We are building on our leadership in pay television and are becoming an increasingly well positioned challenger in the £20 billion combined industry for pay television, broadband and telephone services.

“Sky has delivered the highest first quarter subscriber growth for three years and is seeing high demand across our range of services. One in three families in the UK and Republic of Ireland are choosing Sky for the widest choice in television and now almost a quarter of those families take at least one additional product from us as well.

“While it is still early, we are pleased with the progress since the launch of Sky Broadband and in just 15 weeks, we’ve seen a great response from Sky customers. Our preparations, pace of provisioning and investments in service and systems to manage demand are performing well.

BSkyB has signed deals with communications companies Orange and 3, which will mean that all Orange 3G customers will be able to receive up to 23 Sky mobile TV channels (see Sky Signs Mobile TV Deals With Orange And 3).

BSkyB: 020 7705 3000 www.sky.com

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