
ABC Results Jan-Jun 2006:Men’s Magazines Suffer Declining Circulations

ABC Results Jan-Jun 2006:Men’s Magazines Suffer Declining Circulations

Men's Magazines The latest ABC results for the six months to June 2006 show that some of the biggest titles in the men’s magazine sector are suffering declining sales.

The biggest percentage decline in the men’s market was that of Maxim, which saw sales fall 35.8% year on year, although this was not the biggest decline in real terms, as FHM shed around 139,500 in sales, leaving it with a total circulation of 420,688. However, FHM it is still far and away the most widely purchased magazine in the sector.

IPC’s Loaded saw a fall of 21.9%, a decline of 51,815 in real terms, which left it with average sales of 185,268 in the first half of 2006.

Haymarket’s Stuff, the gadget and technology magazine, recorded the biggest year on year increase in circulation, with a rise of around 20% edging the magazine towards the 100,000 sales marker.

Men’s Health, published by Natmag Rodale, increased sales by almost 8,000 year on year, taking the title to well over 235,500 to become the third biggest title in the sector.

Subsequently, men’s weekly title Zoo has been squeezed down to fourth place, with a drop of 32,000 year on year to 228,024, while chief competitor Nuts saw sales remain static as the IPC title maintains a circulation of over 300,000.

Men’s Lifestyle Magazine Circulations: Jan-Jun 2006 Year On Year Comparisons
Title Publisher Jan-Jun 05 Jan-Jun 06 Actual Change % Change
Arena EMAP 46,680 40,140 -6,540 -14.0
Bizarre Dennis Publishing Limited 76,328 65,959 -10,369 -13.6
Esquire The National Magazine Company Ltd 63,605 52,437 -11,168 -17.6
FHM (For Him Magazine) EMAP 560,167 420,688 -139,479 -24.9
Focus Bristol Magazines 55,073 58,272 3,199 5.8
GQ Conde Nast Publications Ltd 125,050 126,797 1,747 1.4
Loaded IPC Media Ltd 237,083 185,268 -51,815 -21.9
Maxim Dennis Publishing Limited 227,377 146,043 -81,334 -35.8
Men’s Fitness Dennis Publishing Limited 66,474 67,674 1,200 1.8
Men’s Health Natmag Rodale 228,108 235,833 7,725 3.4
Nuts* IPC Media Ltd 304,751 304,785 34 0.0
Stuff Haymarket Publishing Group Limited 77,373 92,672 15,299 19.8
Zoo* EMAP 260,317 228,024 -32,293 -12.4
*Published Weekly

The figures listed in NewsLine’s ABC reports are those reported by the Audit Bureau of Circulations (ABC) as at Thursday 17 August 2006. Late submissions and changes may be made after this date, and will thereafter be amended in MediaTel’s Press database.

ABC: 01442 870 800 www.abc.org.uk

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