
ABC Results Jan-Jun 2006:Decline For TV Listings And Mixed Results For Soap

ABC Results Jan-Jun 2006:Decline For TV Listings And Mixed Results For Soap

Soap Magazines The latest ABC results for the TV listings sector show that only two titles have recorded circulation increases in the six months to June, both from H Bauer Publishing.

TV Choice saw the largest increase in sales in the TV listings market, with an 11.2% rise year on year (an actual rise of 130,151), taking it to almost 1.3 million, while Total TV Guide, saw an 8.8% increase, taking its circulation figure to just over the 100,000 mark.

However, H Bauer’s other TV listings magazine, TV Quick did not fare so well, recording a 16.4% drop in sales, or around 50,000 in real terms.

IPC’s What’s On TV was the biggest selling listings guide, with a circulation figure of around 1.5 million, although it posted a year on year decline of 9.8%.

IPC suffered declines across the board, with TV Times and TV Easy taking the biggest hits percentage wise for the publisher, shedding 10.9% and 11.3% respectively.

BBC Worldwide’s Radio Times remained the third best selling listings guide with a circulation figure of 1,070,042, as its 0.9% year on year fall increased the gap between it and TV Choice.

Meanwhile, IPC’s TV Times recorded a circulation figure of around 370,000 in the first half of the year, after suffering a 10.9% decline in sales.

TV Listings Magazines: Jan-Jun 2006 Year On Year Comparisons
Title Publishing Co Jan-Jun 05 Jan-Jun 06 Actual Change % Ch
Radio Times BBC Worldwide Ltd 1,080,199 1,070,042 -10,157 -0.9
RTE Guide Radio Telefis Eireann 104,455 102,705 -1,750 -1.7
Total TV Guide H Bauer Publishing 93,137 101,295 8,158 8.8
TV & Satellite Week IPC Media Ltd 222,737 211,822 -10,915 -4.9
TV Choice H Bauer Publishing 1,157,622 1,287,773 130,151 11.2
TV Easy IPC Media Ltd 340,018 301,576 -38,442 -11.3
TV Quick H Bauer Publishing 313,454 262,172 -51,282 -16.4
TV Times IPC Media Ltd 418,192 372,712 -45,480 -10.9
What’s On TV IPC Media Ltd 1,673,790 1,509,519 -164,271 -9.8

The soap market experienced more gains than losses in the first half of the year, with IPC tx’s Soaplife seeing the biggest gain.

Soaplife recorded a 2.1% increase, while Inside Soap, published by Hachette Filipacchi, saw a more modest rise, of 0.4%, to take its total circulation figure to 183,417, making it the biggest selling magazine in its sector.

Also published by Hachette Filipacchi, All About Soap suffered a year on year decline of 7.6%, taking its circulation down to 74,856.

Soap Magazines: Jan-Jun 2006 Year On Year Comparisons
Title Publishing Company Jan-Jun 05 Jan-Jun 06 Actual Change % Change
All About Soap Hachette Filipacchi 81,009 74,856 -6,153 -7.6
Inside Soap Hachette Filipacchi 182,618 183,417 799 0.4
Soaplife IPC tx 90,672 92,558 1,886 2.1

The figures listed in NewsLine’s ABC reports are those reported by the Audit Bureau of Circulations (ABC) as at Thursday 17 August 2006. Late submissions and changes may be made after this date, and will thereafter be amended in MediaTel’s Press database.

ABC: 01442 870 800 www.abc.org.uk

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