
ABC Results Jan-Jun 2006:Music Magazine Market Remains Strong Overall

ABC Results Jan-Jun 2006:Music Magazine Market Remains Strong Overall

Music Magazines Emap’s Q Magazine remained the top selling music title of the main players, despite a minimal dip in circulation year on year, according to the latest ABC data for the six months to June 2006.

The magazine’s distribution fell by just 1.3% year on year and it now commands a circulation of more than 158,000. However, the title has dropped just over 10,000 copies period on period.

Other Emap titles put in strong performances, with Mojo adding more than 6% to its sales year on year, to give the title a figure of almost 122,000 copies sold. Rock mag Kerrang!, also an Emap title, reported the biggest actual increase in sales, adding more than 15,600 copies to its circulation year on year to leave it with a distribution of more than 80,000.

Circulation dipped for Mixmag, Emap’s Dance magazine, however, which saw a more than 10% decrease in its sales year on year to leave the title with a circulation of almost 42,000 copies. Other Dance music title, RWD, boosted its circulation, adding almost 20% to its distribution to leave it with a total of more than 30,000 copies.

Rock titles Classic Rock and Rock Sound added to their totals, with Future’s Classic Rock increasing sales by more than a quarter year on year to leave it with a total circulation of more than 56,000 copies, whilst Rock Sound added almost 1,000 copies to its total, which now rests at more than 23,000.

IPC’s Uncut suffered the biggest actual fall in sales, dipping by more than 20,000 copies to leave the magazine with a distribution of almost 89,000. NME, the publisher’s weekly music read, pushed its sales up slightly to rest at a total circulation of more than 74,000 copies.

The sector’s main free title, The Fly, added to its distribution year on year, rising by more than 2,000 copies to boost its circulation up to almost 110,000 copies.

Music Magazines: Jan-Jun 2006 Year On Year Comparisons
Title Publisher Jan-Jun 05 Jan-Jun 06 Actual Change % Ch
Classic Rock Future Publishing 44,349 56,037 11,688 26.4
The Fly Channelfly Enterprises Ltd 107,519 109,734 2,215 2.1
Kerrang! Emap Performance 64,554 80,186 15,632 24.2
Metal Hammer Future Publishing 40,236 45,359 5,123 12.7
Mixmag Emap Performance 46,470 41,757 -4,713 -10.1
Mojo Emap Performance 114,626 121,746 7,120 6.2
NME IPC Ignite 73,640 74,206 566 0.8
Q Emap Performance 160,310 158,271 -2,039 -1.3
Rock Sound IXO Publishing 22,305 23,254 949 4.3
RWD RWD Media Ltd 25,376 30,320 4,944 19.5
Uncut IPC Ignite 110,015 88,756 -21,259 -19.3

The figures listed in NewsLine’s ABC reports are those reported by the Audit Bureau of Circulations (ABC) as at Thursday 17 August 2006. Late submissions and changes may be made after this date, and will thereafter be amended in MediaTel’s Press database.

ABC: 01442 870 800 www.abc.org.uk

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