
Ocean Outdoor Launches New Division

Ocean Outdoor Launches New Division

Iain Chapman Following its expansion beyond London, Ocean Outdoor is launching a new division to provide clients with formatted roadside opportunities.

Ocean City Vision will be headed by Iain Chapman, former sales manager at Van Wagner.

Initially, Ocean City Vision’s portfolio will be made up of Ocean Squares, the largest format backlit product in Europe, and Ocean 96s.

Ocean says that Chapman’s principle objective will be to grow the portfolio without sacrificing quality or location. In addition, he will be charged with developing a giant roadside format and researching digital opportunities.

Damian Cox, managing director at Ocean, said: “Ocean was founded two years ago on the principle that clients want to buy roadside displays that enhance their brands.

“The industry seems to be finally waking up to this with the creation of one premier division after another. But all this does is highlight that many of the locations offered by our competitors are second tier.”

Chapman adds: “The reputation Ocean has achieved since its launch two years ago is phenomenal. I received interest from a number of more established media owners but I believe the opportunities offered by Ocean are by far the greatest.

“On the one hand, Ocean is the only large-format, outdoor company operating in the premium sector able to meet the challenges the industry faces. On the other, the challenges I anticipate facing at Ocean will be far greater than elsewhere.”

Ocean Outdoor: www.oceanoutdoor.com

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